Chapter 19

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"So this Roa person, is he dangerous?"

"Extremely, he and i have clashed before. However, he managed to slip my grasp. Pretty soon a man by the name of Nero Chaos, his servant, was tasked with killing me. Though i was surprised to hear that he was killed before i even met him. That's when i heard of the rumor. A human who could see the death of all things, Satsujinki."

Shiki was surprised to have learned about this. He didn't know Nero was out to kill her, but by killing him, Shiki technically saved her. Soon he began to wonder, if he should tell her that he's the person she is looking for.

"Shiki, are you the person the supernatural call Satsujinki?"

Shiki's eyes widen in surprise. Why would she ask that now? Did she already know or was she just randomly guessing.

"Why would you ask that? I'm just an exorcis-"

"That knife of yours isn't a spiritual weapon like most exorcist used. It shouldn't have been able to injure me, let alone kill me. Plus, you don't seem to be apart of any exorcist family."

Shiki wasn't sure what to do now. Should he tell her or should he hold his tongue. Seeing how Shiki seemed to be put on the spot, Arcueid sighed a bit as she grabbed Shiki's phone.

"You don't have to tell me right now. After all, you just received a lot of information and i can tell you have problems of your own. Whenever you're free and want to talk, just give me a call okay."

Shiki nodded his head as he looked at Arcueid. He wondered how this girl can still smile when she's in the presence of the person who killed her.  As she stood up, Arcueid looked at Shiki.

"I do hope we meet soon, Shiki. Despite how things started off, i had fun. To be honest, i didn't think you cared about my own problems after finding out i wasn't a human."

"Why shouldn't i care? I may have killed you and you turned out to be a supernatural but.......even as we speak, all i see is a girl smiling and talking to me."

Arcueid was surprised by this. This was the first time she wasn't looked at as a vampire, but as a person. Shiki soon stood up as he prepares to leave. As he walked out the door of the cafe, he said one thing.

"........let's talk again sometime, Arcueid."

With those parting words, Shiki left the cafe. As Arcueid sat by herself in silence, she smiled happily to herself as she said her goodbyes to the boy she met.

"Shiki Aozaki.......what an interesting boy."

~Next Day~
Shiki was seen at the student council office with Teru. As he was there, Shiki told him about Roa. Though he didn't mention about Arcueid during this conversation.

"A vampire is in the city........"

"That is a cause for concern. However, there's also a small chance that this vampire could even be at this school."

Teru looked down for a moment. He was lost in thought as he trying to come up with a plan on what to do. As this happened, Shiki decided to ask Teru something that was on his mind.

"Hey Teru, we mostly fight the supernatural at this school. I was just wondering why we don't fight any that are in the city."

" much as i would love to do so, someone is already doing that for us. Many believe it to be a wandering exorcist, though no one has seen this person stay in one place for too long. Plus i would be notified if another exorcist were to show up. There has been talk of supernatural who is slaying other supernaturals though."

"Are you serious?"

"Very serious. They say a woman with shining red eyes has been eliminating various supernaturals on her own, though there is only one eluding her grasp. Perhaps this is related to what you said about this Roa character."

Shiki thought about it for a moment. As he did, Teru was also thinking of something. He was wondering if he should tell Shiki about his family name, his true family name. While Aozaki was the last name of his mother, it was obvious Shiki was apart of THAT family. But he doesn't know if telling him will do more harm than good. Though he also knew that leaving Shiki blind to the reason behind his bloodlust against supernaturals was also not a good idea.

"Just to be safe, Shiki, i'd like you to patrol around the school district and near the city."


After hearing this from Teru, Shiki left the room. As he did this, Shiki had an idea. But it was an idea that he really didn't like. Though it could possibly be helpful to him if it works.

"I can't believe i'm going to do this later."

Shiki was eating strawberry Häagen-Dazs as he was silently thinking to himself. As this happened, Yashiro was walking through the halls. When she looked ahead, she saw Shiki eating by himself.


She started running towards him, however she had a thought running through her mind. She's been running into Shiki a lot lately. It kind of reminds her of one of those dating sims people play.

"W-wait....does this mean.....i'm going the Handsome Megane(Glasses) Boy route?!"

"Ummm......Yashiro? Are you okay? You're just staring and its kind of weird."

As Yashiro was panicking, Shiki was laughing at how she was acting. Though he wasn't sure if he found it cute or if he loves watching people making fools of themselves.

"Aozaki-senpai, did you manage to solve your problem yesterday with the person you were talking about?"

"Well, we reached a certain understanding. So i don't think we hate each other at least."

Yashiro smiled as she looked at Shiki. Despite being aware of the supernatural, Shiki seemed like the most normal person she's interacted with lately.

"Anyways Yashiro, i need to go. I need to talk to someone."

"Oh, okay. I'll see you later, Aozaki-senpai."

As Shiki was walking away, he thought about something for a moment. When he came to a conclusion, he turned towards Yashiro with a smile.

"We're not strangers, you know. Call me Shiki."

Yashiro was surprised at what she heard. Shiki already considered that they were both close enough to ignore formalities. With a bright smile on her face, Yashiro called out to him.

"Okay! I'll see you later, Shiki-senpai."

Hanako was seen inside of the girl's bathroom by himself. As he was alone, he heard footsteps closing in on him. As he stood on his feet, a serious expression was on his face.

"I need to ask you a favor, School Mystery Number 7."

As Hanako looked at the entrance of the room, he saw a boy with black hair and glasses staring at him. As they both glared daggers at each other, Hanako spoke.

"Fine then. What is your wish, Shiki Aozaki?"

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