Chapter 30

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Shiki woke up as he was on the floor of his home. When he woke up, he thought about that dream he had. When he first had the dream, he thought he was the one who murdered the boy in his dream. However........that wasn't the case in his dream.

"What the hell is wrong with me?"

Shiki looked at the time and saw that he was late for school. As he got dressed and walked out of his home, he had an eerie feeling eating him up inside. Soon he tried to think of something as he was alone.

"I wonder how Kou is doing with Mitsuba. I hope he was able to help him."

As Shiki entered the school, he saw Kou walking down the halls. However, instead of his usual cheerful greetings, he seemed more tired. Shiki could tell that Kou hasn't slept much.

"Kou, what's wrong? Are you okay?"


As Kou looked at Shiki, tears were forming in his eyes. Suddenly Kou hugged Shiki as he couldn't hold back his tears any longer. As he hugs Shiki, he simply cried.

"I'm sorry Shiki-nii. You trusted me with dealing with him but.....but Mitsuba.........."

Soon Kou told Shiki everything about what transpired with Mitsuba. Shiki pats Kou's head and tries to cheer him up.

"Kou....don't ever forget about Mitsuba. Hold on to those memories that you have of him very closely. I'll help you anyway that i can."

"Thank you, Shiki-nii."

"Anyways Kou, its my turn to patrol the school today so i have to go. You be careful now."

As Shiki walked away from Kou, he felt as if that he's spent to much time with Arcueid. Sure what he was doing was important, but he also had responsibilities at this school. As he walked pass Yashiro's classroom, he noticed something different.

The windows were cracked, dust covered the floor, and the desks were rusted. Even everyone's stuff got affected. Lunches were suddenly rotten, books became more ripped up, even the small plant that was in their room grew to be taller than a person when it was only planted for three days.

As Shiki saw this, he saw Yashiro was just as confused as he was. As he walked over to her, he puts a hand on her shoulder.


"Well, we won't get answers by just staying here. Let's go see what the honorable number 7 has to say about this situation."

~At the girl's bathroom~
"It was like time skipped forward for everything?"

"Yes! Everything was normal until third period. But when my class came back from biology, everything was weird."

Yashiro was telling Hanako the situation of what just occured. As for Shiki, he was standing outside of the bathroom and stood across the hall from it. There are certain lines that even he wouldn't cross. That and he didn't want any unwanted attention due to a misunderstanding. Soon he saw Kou rushing inside the bathroom as he held Hanako by his shirt.

"Hanako!!!! You have to help!!!! A couple of my students from my class, they're-"

"You mean something happened in your class, too, Kou-kun?"

"Senpai! You're right. Two of my classmates.....have turned to old men."

As Shiki was outside of the bathroom, he was almost tempted to make a joke. He looked around to see if anyone would hear him. When he made sure no one was around, he said what was on his mind.

"Puberty will do that to you."

"This is serious Shiki-nii!!!!! When fourth period ended, they had suddenly changed! They were only 14."

Shiki sighs as he walks inside to be with others. One, because its more convenient. Two, he really doesn't care if there is a misunderstanding anymore. Finally, he just felt like he was being left out. Soon Shiki started to speak up.

"While boundaries are relatively large in size, there aren't many supernatural who can do something of this magnitude. So that leaves one thing to suspect, right Hanako."

"Ah. Why do you always have to steal my time to shine? But you're right, one of the Seven Mysteries is involved. School Mystery Number 1, the Three Clock Keepers. The three of them have their own unique powers over time. The first can turn time back, the second can stop time, and the third one can move time forward. Judging by what you all said, it must've been the third one."

As Yashiro and Kou listened, Shiki was deep in thought. He already had a lead on this situation, but he was debating whether or not to ask him. Soon he heard Kou and Yashiro speaking up.

"Alright!!!!! Let's sock it to 'im!! Right now!!!!"

"And i'll help because i'm Hanako-kun's assistant."

Both Hanako and Shiki looked surprised by Kou and Yashiro's outburst. Soon Hanako decided to join in as he, Yashiro, and Kou put their hands on top of each other.

"With our powers combined, we'll knock that clock keeper's block off."

Shiki just stood back as he saw them all smiling. He decided to leave since he knew he has no place here. As he did, he heard Yashiro's voice.

"Aozaki-senpai, you aren't going to join in?"

" all seemed to be in your own little world that i didn't want to intrude. Besides an outsider like me shouldn't meddle in your group's affairs."

"C'mon Shiki-nii, don't be like that! After all, everyone here thinks you're part of the team. Right?"

As Shiki looked at the group in front of him, he saw them all smiling at him. They were waiting for him to put his hand on top of their own. He didn't know why, but his heart felt warm for a moment. With a slight blush on his face, Shiki placed his hand on top of the others.

"Let's kick some ass."


With a loud shout, everyone puts their hand in the air. Shiki had a small smile on his face. For once, he felt really happy. As he walks out of the room, he suggested that he looks separately from them to cover more ground. As Shiki walked away, he entered Yashiro's classroom and saw someone inside. Soon he spoke up to the individual with a serious tone.

"We need to talk Akane."

The Boy Who Sees Death (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora