Chapter 28

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The vampire that stood high on one of the steel beams jumped down towards Arcueid. However, before it could land on the ground, Arcueid cuts its body in half with her claws.

Soon two more vampires were charging at her. Seeing this, Shiki lunged forward with inhuman speed. As they saw Shiki approaching, the vampires jumped at him from all angles.

"Get real."

Shiki swung his knife in one swift motion. Soon all the vampires around him were cut into several pieces as their blood stained the ground. As this happened, a few of the vampires were above Arcueid as they started to hit the steel frames they were standing on.

"Damn, there are a lot of them. Is this because of-"

Shiki and Arcueid both turned around and sliced the heads off of the vampires that were behind them. Arcueid could tell what Shiki was going to ask so she gave him a straightforward answer.

"Of course Roa knows i'm after him, so it makes sense he would try to stop me at all costs. Even if it means turning humans into his lackeys."

Soon the vampires that were above Arcueid broke the steel beams they were standing on as they all fell on top of Arcueid. Dust fills the air as Shiki tries to cover his eyes. Soon Arcueid looked at the damage that was caused.

"They were willing to go that far just to get me, huh?"

Suddenly one of the vampires grabbed both of Arcueid's arms. As she tried to get away she saw that her legs were under the steel frames. As the vampire held her down, he was prepared to bite her neck and drink her blood. Seeing this, Shiki felt his bloodlust taking over as he charged at the creature.

"What the hell are you doing? The only one allowed to kill her is-"

Shiki elbows the vampires face as he kicks it to the ground. Soon Shiki leaped in front of the vampire and stabbed his knife into one of the points of death he saw on the vampire. Soon the vampire's entire body exploded into dust. As Arcueid was amazed by Shiki's skills, she soon saw the look he had in his eyes.

 As Arcueid was amazed by Shiki's skills, she soon saw the look he had in his eyes

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Soon Shiki began to calm down as he walks towards Arcueid. He looked at the steel frame that was on her legs. When he looked at it, he saw a line of death on it. As he cuts the line with his knife, the steel frame was split in half as Arcueid got her legs freed. Seeing that Arcueid is fine now, Shiki puts his Mystic Eye Killers back onto his face as the lines of death are no longer in his sight.

"Arcueid...i want to ask you? Have you drunk the blood of anyone in this city?"

"Shiki....for as long as i have lived, i've never consumed human blood. To be honest, i'm kind of scared too. I feel like that if taste blood, even once, i may lose myself and truly become a monster."

Shiki was surprised by Arcueid's answer. As they both exit the building, Arcueid lets out a small yawn. When Shiki saw her walking, he noticed that she was dragging her feet. The boy sighed as he gets down and motions for Arcueid to get on his back.

"My place is nearby. I can treat you there."

Arcueid was going to reject, but she knew Shiki would just scold her if she didn't. So she got on his back and decided to take him up on his offer. As Shiki was carrying Arcueid back to his home, the vampire wanted to tell him something.

"Shiki, you don't need to worry about it. It's just a bruise."

"Of course i'm going to worry. I'm a lot of things, but heartless is not one of them. Besides, you might heal faster if i treat you. You were dragging your foot after all."

Arcueid plants her face on Shiki's back as her face was turning red. Soon Shiki looked ahead as he was now in front of his home. As he entered his home, Arcueid was surprised by how charming his home looked on the inside.

 As he entered his home, Arcueid was surprised by how charming his home looked on the inside

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Shiki puts Arcueid down as he went to his room to get some bandages. While this happened, she looked around the room she was in. It gave her a comfortable and welcoming feeling. As she sat down, she saw Shiki walking back with a first-aid kit.

"You know Arcueid, you should speak up when you're hurt. Pain isn't something you bear, pain is something to speak up about."

"Okay...i'll let you know when i'm hurt. Though i must say, you're being awfully kind. Maybe you're not such a cold person."


Soon the two shared a laugh together. This was surprising for Shiki though. Outside of Teru, Kou, and recently Yashiro, Shiki doesn't really talk that much to people. In fact, Arcueid's the first person he let into his home willingly. For once, Shiki didn't feel as empty inside.

"Well Shiki, i'd say we exterminated a large portion of Roa's troops. I think its okay for us to rest for a while."

"I the way, how are you feeling. Are you back to your normal strength?"

"Almost, though its taking longer than usual to restore. By the way, you should be careful. I sensed the presence of a lot of supernatural there."

Shiki just laughed at what Arcueid said. He couldn't help it since he already knew that from the start. Seeing the confusion on her face, Shiki explained himself to her. He told her stories of his more recent fights, such as the one with Avenger of Shinjuku and the his fight with Salieri.

"Incredible, you manage to do all that. But please tell me you at least got to pet the wolf."

"Kind of hard to do that when said wolf is trying to kill you. Besides, it's not really that big a deal. If anything, i think i just have dumb luck."

Arcueid smiled as she looked at Shiki. As she puts a finger on his lips to silence him, she smiled at him softly as she looked at the boy closely.

"Well, luck isn't such a bad thing to have."

Tsukasa is seen on the school grounds with Sakura. As Sakura had a neutral expression on her face, Tsukasa was smiling from ear to ear.

"Why are we here Tsukasa?"

"Oh you'll see. After all, this is another person that you know well."

As Tsukasa said this, Sakura looked at the school's entrance. When she did, she saw a boy with red eyes and white hair approaching her them. He had a smirk on his face as he looked at them. When she saw him, she felt as if she's seen him before.

Soon an image was in her head. She was crying as a boy she knew was on the ground as another boy was standing above him with a knife in his hand. Soon Tsukasa smiled as he looked at the boy.

"Nice to meet you, Roa. Oh how rude of me, i should be respectful and use your real name. Don't you agree Shiki Aozaki?"

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