Chapter 4

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~Next Day~
Shiki was sitting in class along with Teru. Shiki could tell Teru was worried about Kou and he understood why.

"You're that worried about Kou, huh?"

"What gave it away?"

"Please Teru, we've been friends for as long as i can remember. Of course i'd be able to tell right away."

Teru smiled as he looked at Shiki. He was always perceptive, able to read people like a book. However, Shiki had some news to give to him.

"Have you heard, Teru. Apparently Kou's been skipping class. I thought it was a little off, so I thought you would know about it."

"No, i don't. This is the first i'm hearing of it. Kou wouldn't skip class like this. Shiki, will you come along with me."

"Fine, fine. It's my job after all. Plus someone's got to put you in check if you do something idiotic. Though i wonder what Kou is doing."

Kou is seen following Hanako around the school as he saw the ghost carrying a large bag on his back. Soon Kou lost sight of him but had to hide seeing as a teacher almost caught him. As he sighs in relief of not being caught by a teacher, he suddenly heard a voice.

"What are you doing?"

As Kou looked to the side, he saw Hanako floating upside down as he was staring at him. As Kou jumped back in surprise, Hanako started to laugh.

"You're spying to see if i'm doing anything bad? You're even skipping class just for me, such passion!"

"It's not for you! It's to uncover your evil deeds!"

As Kou took the bag from Hanako he noticed it was filled with stolen goods from the students. Hanako explained that the mokke were the ones who took it, so he retrieves all the valuables and gives them back to their rightful owners.

"So kid, can you do me a favor?"


"Over there."

Hanako pointed towards a tower. As Kou looked, he saw something stuck underneath a window. The window was very high up so he needed help to retrieve the item. Soon Kou found himself holding onto Hanako's legs as the ghost was hanging from the window and trying to get the lost item.

"Okay boy, a little to the right."

"You're a ghost! Why are you so heavy?!"

"That's rude."

"Why can't you just float?!"

"I can't float this high. A little lower."

As Kou is trying to keep Hanako from falling. The ghost apologized for involving him. However, he knew the object he was retrieving was important to someone. Kou just couldn't see Hanako as a bad supernatural. Suddenly a wind started to pick up and the item Hanako tried to get almost flew away.

Seeing this, Hanako leaned forward to grab it. While he succeeded at getting the item, he noticed that Kou was holding one of his shoes as he was falling to the ground. Kou looked horrified and ran down as quickly as he could. He saw Hanako on the ground and ran towards him.

"Hanako!!! Wake up!!!!

"W- wow that was scary!!!! I thought i was going to die!!!!"

"But wait........aren't you already dead?"

".................................oh yeah."

The two of them paused for a moment after realizing this. Soon the both couldn't hold back a laugh. As this happens, Hanako gives Kou the thing he was retrieving. Turns out it was Kou's own traffic-safety amulet. As he puts it back on he made his decision.

" there is such a thing."


"There is such a thing as a good supernatural! I made up my mind. I'm not going to exorcise you after all."

Hanako looked surprised at what Kou just said. However, he wasn't sure what the boy was going with this so he decided to listen after asking a question.

".....why not? You said that i was an evil spirit of murderer, remember."

"Well.....i was just running my mouth. I didn't know better then.  I'm sorry. And i'm sure you had reasons for it, right?"


Hanako looked to the ground for a moment. As Kou was about to say something, the ghost decided to voice his thoughts.

"Say, kid. Exactly what type of reason would justify killing another person?"

Suddenly Hanako pushed Kou to the ground. Kou was surprised by this action and just as he was about to speak, Hanako held a knife in near his throat.

"What if....i......killed you right now? Let's say....i had a special reason for it. Would that make it right."


"That's enough."

Suddenly Hanako felt his whole body being shocked. As Hanako screamed in pain, he dropped his knife as he felt nothing but pain all over his body which caused Kou to worry.


"It's not like you to skip class. I wondered what might've caused it Kou. Well?"

Kou looked in shock as he saw who was approaching him. As the man greeted him with a smile, Kou looked extremely nervous and worried for Hanako.


Kou saw the look on Teru's face. Instead of the usual warm smile he had, Kou found a cold glare. Teru's eyes showed the intent of getting rid of Hanako for good.

"I was right, wasn't I. There is no such thing as a good supernatural."

Shiki and Teru were both in the student council's office. Shiki had just told Teru about Kou skipping class. As Teru was sitting down, Shiki began to walk towards the door.

"If i had to guess, it's probably related to one of the Seven Mysteries. I'll go see what i can d-"

"No Shiki, i wouldn't advise that. While it's true that you can kill them, we shouldn't let them know you're involved. To them, you're just an average human. We'll use that to our advantage. They probably already heard rumors about you and your eyes. But since none of your targets survived long enough for them to give other spirits a description of you, your identity is still hidden."

Teru stood up as he grabbed his sword. He had a bad feeling that Kou might be in danger. As he walks out, he told Shiki one thing.

"I'll take care of it myself. I can't let you do all the hard work, now can i."
~Flashback ends~

Shiki is sitting in the student council room by himself. He knew Teru can take care of himself when he means business. However he had a eerie feeling, like something even worse than the School Mystery might be approaching.

He couldn't help but feel a bit worried. Not only did this feeling fill him with dread, some part of him felt excited about it. So much so that he didn't know he already had his knife in hand.

"I have a feeling the worse has yet to come."

The Boy Who Sees Death (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum