06 | great analogy

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AMARA WOKE UP TO something hard poking her in the stomach, and she cracked her eyes open to see Lip grinning down at her—stabbing his finger into the lower half of her body. "What the hell are you doing?" She grumbled, lightly kicking him away.

"Good morning," he said. "Jimmy's dad tried to stick it in me last night."

She froze on pushing herself up, bed-headed hair falling into her face as she stared at him blankly. "Well that's one way to wake me up."

"Ran into your grandmother on the way up here," Lip informed, turning his head away as she started to throw on her clothes. "Seemed very confused to who I was. Think she thought I was your dealer or something? Threatened me with a butter knife and told me to get out."

Amara blinked, "so then how are you up here? You didn't like, run around the house and make her chase you, right? Lip, come on, she's old. You might give her a heart attack."

Lip chuckled, shaking his head. "No, no. I explained that I'm your uh...."

Her heart sped up as she looked at him expectedly. "That you're my what?"

"Told her we were friends," he said quickly, and she felt disappointment flicker through her chest. They were definitely more than friends in her opinion, but she'd already voiced how she felt about putting a label on their relationship. She didn't want anything to be too forced, or too strained. They were fine the way they were. But yet again, calling Lip her boyfriend wouldn't be so bad...

She shook the thought from her head, and forced a grin. "Good call. Doubt she'd let you up here if you told her we were a couple or whatever. She's done more for me as a parent in two days than Margot has in ten years. It's kind of overbearing, but I also kind of love it. Because now I can go through that rebellious teenager thing that everyone else does. Whereas before I had no one controlling me. It adds to the fun."

"You're so weird," Lip muttered, before pulling her upright by their linked hands. "Debbie is making us eggs before her and Silvia go to the pool today. And Kev wants help setting up the truck."

She nodded, and the two of them quickly made their way down the stairs, into the empty kitchen. "Oh, hey. Whenever you have the chance, do you think you can Ian could clear out the guest bedroom? Gloria has been sleeping on the couch and I promised her I'd get someone to clean it out. The room is filled with all of Margot's junk."

"Yeah, sure, I require payment, though."

"Payment?" She repeated. "The fuck? Since when?"

Lip smirked at her, pausing right outside the door, before leaning down to kiss her. "All done," he said. "I'll do it later."

"You're so romantic," she told him mockingly, and they stepped inside the Gallagher residence. When they got inside, Debbie was at the stove making eggs like Lip had said. Ian was drinking his usual coffee, while Carl fed Liam, and Jimmy stared off into space.

"Jimmy," Debbie snapped impatiently. "I can't do breakfast, set up for day-care, and practice holding my breath all at the same time."

"Oh," he held up his hand, showing off his pinky cast. "It's still broken."

"Your finger, not your neck," Debbie rolled her eyes, and then handed the two new teens a plate of eggs. "Silvia!" She yelled towards the stairs. "Get down here, we have to go soon. Carl, can you help set up for day-care? We have to get to the pool at exactly nine am. It's opening day."

"Why don't you fix your pool?" Amara asked in a mumble, looking to Lip who shrugged nonchalantly, picking at his eggs.

"I'm feeding Liam," Carl said sharply.

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