06 | kim kardashian

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"AMARA?" A VOICE CALLED, although it sounded like she was underwater. Her shoulders were shaken gently and her head banged against something hard from behind her before her eyes finally opened. Silvia dropped her hands and stepped back. "Did you sleep here?"

Amara winced and cracked her neck. "Guess so."

"Fiona's court hearing is in an hour... I thought I should wake you up."

She yawned and stood, steadying herself on the counter with a hand as she stretched, popping a few joints as she did so. "Fuck why did I sleep on the floor?"

"You're not the only one," Silvia gestured to Margot, who was snoring quietly in the living room, still on the floor. Amara smirked to herself, recalling when she rolled off the couch the previous night, but she didn't like having even one thing in common with her mother, so her amusement faded quickly. "I'll meet you at the Gallagher's? Debbie said V and Kev stayed overnight and they're our ride."

"Right," Amara nodded, only coming to the realization that her sister was actually speaking to her just as the door shut behind her. She stifled another eye watering yawn before turning to go up the stairs to at least make herself look presentable.

The ride upstate was less tense than the ride home last night, but not by much. Lip was still fuming and anxious, his leg bouncing the entire drive there, and a few smiles were spared at Kev whenever he tried to break the silence while cracking a joke. Besides that, nothing much had changed.

She slid into a chair at the courtroom, Debbie and Silvia sitting on her left while Veronica settled on her opposite side. Three women in blue jail uniforms appeared behind the door, and Fiona's face popped up not a second after. Debbie offered her a small wave, and Fiona tried to return the gesture even though her hands were in cuffs. She looked horrible, her hair was matted and her face was pale and stained with tears. Amara's heart ached as she stared at her.

The gavel banged just as Fiona went to sit down, and a man in a suit stood up. "Fiona Gallagher. Case S6-974356."

"Is counsel present?" The Judge asked, and the woman (who Amara was assuming was Fiona's defense attorney) stood up and walked to where Fiona was sat behind bars.

"Yes, Your Honor."

"Read the charges," he stated and Fiona straightened up.

"Possession of a controlled substance, a class 4 felony under 720 Illinois Criminal Statute 570.1, and child endangerment, a violation of the Reckless Conduct Code 720 ILCS5 Section 12C-5 a Class 3 felony."

Fuck that was a lot. Amara gnawed on her lip and shifted in her chair anxiously.

"How does the defendant plead?" The Judge asked, and when Fiona didn't reply, the man pressed on. "Miss Gallagher?"

"Not guilty, Your Honor," her voice wavered as she spoke.

"Defense requests the accused to be released on her own recognizance," Fiona's attorney said.

"Cocaine overdose in a toddler?" Another woman demanded. "The child is still in intensive care."

"Bail is set at $100,000," the Judge announced, and Amara's jaw dropped. "Check with the clerk to get a preliminary hearing date. Next."

"Excuse me?!" Veronica called after Fiona's lawyer as they stormed after her out of the courtroom. Amara easily kept up—used to walking quickly where angry Veronica was involved—but still surprised with how fast she was walking while pregnant. "We're Fiona Gallagher's family."

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