19 | you're a moron, and an idiot

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AMARA SAT ON ONE of those plastic, uncomfortable chairs at the police station. She was still in complete disbelief. How the hell did Lip and Ian manage to get themselves arrested? Fiona's leg bounced up and down next to her, the older girl hadn't said a word since they arrived. Amara could tell she was beyond pissed, and worried.

"No lattes or anything," Fiona's new friend, Jasmine informed, coming back from the cafeteria. Amara had no idea how the two of them met. Jasmine was from the north side, she wore a Calvin Klein jacket with those ugly brown Uggs. While the rest of them wore shirts with holes in them, and thrifted shoes. They didn't mesh well together, but surprisingly, Amara found herself liking the girl. She seemed nice enough, plus, she picked Amara up and drove her to the station after Fiona texted her the news. "But they did have got chocolate for Debbie."

"Thanks," Fiona said as the blonde woman handed the three of them drinks. "I appreciate you driving us, but you don't have to stay."

"It's cool," Jasmine replied. "I can hang out for a bit."

"Tony!" Fiona suddenly shouted at the officer, standing up to greet him. "When can we see them?"

"If Lip's not charged as an adult..."

"Fucking idiot," Amara muttered.

"You can see them both in court tomorrow."

"Charged as an adult?" Jasmine repeated.

Tony glanced between the three woman, his gaze skipping over Debbie. "He's seventeen. They may charge him with felony grand theft auto."

"They can't do that," Amara protested. "Lip will never get into college with that sort of thing on his record."

"I'm well aware," Tony said sharply.

"Well you better do something about it! Cause I'm not letting you and your little pussy police squad ruin his life."

Fiona held up a hand, a gesture for her to calm down. "There's no way Lip would steal a car. He's too smart, and Ian doesn't even drive."

"Well, if they didn't steal it—"

"They didn't!" Both Amara and Fiona defended in unison.

"If they didn't," Tony continued, sending the two girls pointed looks. "Then they'll have to tell a detective who gave them the car and agree to testify." Fiona froze at this piece of information, and Tony sighed. "If they don't give up a name, Lip could do five years."

"You have to have some sort of say in this, right?" Amara asked. "I mean, you're a cop too. Can't you like, say they were taking it out for a test drive or something? And they didn't know it was stolen?"

"That's not how it works," Tony explained, and she let out a huff of frustration.

"I fucking hate cops."

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