07 | buy me a christmas present

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THE GROUP SPRANG INTO action, not wanting to have the stolen baby for a second longer. Lip sat in the arm chair, a pen and paper in his hands as he jotted stuff down.

"Alright," he spoke. "Carl, you know that old payphone by Kash and Grab?"

"Yeah," he answered.

"I want you to get on your bike, go to the payphone and call the police. Tell them that you saw a little boy walking down Southport Avenue at 2:45."

"Why should I?"

"Wanna be in a children's home?" Ian questioned.

"Yeah, they totally wont let you melt action figures together. In fact, I'm not even sure they'll let you have them in the first place," Amara told him, hoping he'd fall for the lie.

Carl sighed. "I don't have a bike."

"Wire cutters in the junk drawer," Ian informed, and the younger boy pushed himself up from his seat. The redhead leaned forward, smacking his palm against Amara's. "Nice one."

"Thanks, I try."

"Steve, Fiona," Lip continued. "You guys have to get Debs and Silvia to take that kid back."

Fiona waved her cigarette around as she spoke. "I don't know if I can make that happen."

"Fiona you have to or else we're all fucked."

She sighed. "Okay."

"Alright, Veronica, I want you to go to the cleaners and ask Mrs. Bergdoll if you can use the phone in the back."

"That woman's a cold bitch," V said with a huff.

"I've got something for that."

Amara grabbed a beer from the fridge, and settled herself onto a stool, drinking it within seconds. Her face scrunched up as the liquid slid down her throat. Alcohol wasn't normally her go-to on a stressful day, but she definitely needed some in that moment.

"This is insane."

"Yeah," Lip sighed. "I know."

"You think the plan will work?"

"I sure fucking hope so."

The back door swung open, and Ian walked in, looking frantic. "Did you guys bring in the water heater from the back porch?" Lip and Amara shared a confused look, before they both shook their heads no. "Well it's not there."

"You're joking," Amara said. "Please tell me you're joking."

"I'm not."

"Bunch of fucking animals!" Lip snapped. "Alright, we've gotta go."

There was a large crowd outside of Sheila's house an hour later, Debbie and Silvia were in the middle of it, Casey had safely been returned home. The father had thrown cash at the girls, but neither of them made any move to pick it up. However, Frank did, and the trio shared an annoyed look, before marching over to him.

"That's Debbie and Silvia's," Lip said.

"Oh I know," Frank replied. "I'm just helping them." The boys both placed their feet on top of his hands, preventing him from grabbing any more money as Amara bent down to receive it. She counted it, splitting the cash into halves, and handed it back to the girls, who both took it with a smile.

"You losers better buy me a Christmas present with that money, or I'm gonna be pissed."

"Fiona!" A familiar voice yelled, and Amara stirred from the couch. She didn't want to get up—the Gallagher's couch was one of the most comfortable places to crash. Besides, it had been a long day, and she was tired. She could make out distant chattering, but she'd learned how to block it out from when her father still lived with them.

Amara felt two hands on either of her shoulders, gently shaking her awake, but she swatted them away. "Leave me alone, I wanna sleep."

A noise that sounded distinctively like a chuckle came from the person above, and Amara cracked her eyes open to meet Lip's piercing gaze. "Come on, you'll want to hear this."

"Hear what?" She asked, allowing him to take her hands and tug her upwards.

"V and Kev are getting married."

Her eyes widened, and she immediately pushed herself up, and ran into the kitchen. "Oh my God!" She enveloped the two adults into a hug, and they tightened their arms around her with just as much force. "Congrats. Can I be a bridesmaid though?"

Veronica laughed as Kev wrapped an arm around her. "Sure, sweetheart. Whatever you want. We're getting married!"

Fiona and Steve appeared at the bottom of the stairs, both of them looking completely confused. Amara glanced over to see Lip grabbing two beers out of the pack the engaged couple had just bought. He handed her one with a small smile.


"Yeah, no problem."

Music played loudly, and the kitchen was quickly filled with laughter. Amara twirled Ian, the two of them dancing around dramatically. The alcohol had definitely kicked it, because they were completely breathless—too much giggling to be sober. Ian brought Amara into a spin, and duo lost balance, both of them toppling over onto the floor.

The wind was knocked out of her, and she saw Lip brush past Karen to go over to them in the corner of her eye. Nobody else seemed to notice the two teens lying on the floor except him, and he peered down at them worriedly.

"You guys okay?"

Amara moved her head so she was looking at Ian, the two made eye contact before bursting out into laughter again. Lip shook his head, clearly grateful that they were alright, and made his way back to Karen who was still standing at the table. It wasn't long before Ian and Amara were dancing like drunken idiots again, the brunette could even recall Kev joining in at one point.

But eventually, the party died down, and the last thing she remembered was someone carrying her up the stairs, and placing her in a warm bed. She was asleep within seconds.

author's note

sorry this chapter is so short too! the episode was laid out weird and i didn't know how to write it lmao

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