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VERONICA'S BACHELORETTE PARTY WAS insane. Amara was surprised she was even allowed in—although according to Fiona she could pass for a twenty year old in heels, so they used that to an advantage. Even if Amara's feet were killing her the entire night, she had a blast.

Pretending to be a stripper was not something Amara ever thought she'd do in her lifetime, but now that she had, she was glad she did. It was fun pretending everything was okay for a night. But the next morning, she woke up with a killer hangover, and two bills due.

Amara popped an Advil into her mouth, and downed it with some cold water. She glanced over to her mother, who was (as usual) passed out on the couch. She spotted the bright pink wallet on the table next to her, and rushed over to grab it. Electric was the first thing she was going to pay—she and Silvia could shower at the Gallagher's until they had enough money to pay for the water again.

She held her breath as she reached over her mother, trying to grab the wallet before she woke up. Amara accidentally knocked a beer can off the table, the object making a loud noise as it fell onto the ground. She froze immediately, slowly turning her head to see if Margot had woken up, but the woman only mumbled something, before turning on her side so that her back was facing Amara.

She flipped the wallet open, knowing there would only be enough money to pay one bill, but when she looked inside, her jaw dropped.

Amara ran up into her room, slamming the door shut behind her. She re-counted the money at least four times, before deciding that her eyes weren't deceiving her. There was two thousand dollars just lying around in her mother's purse. That was enough to pay both bills, and over groceries for the next month.

But that's not what was on her mind. The question was repeating over and over in her head.

Where the hell did she get all of this cash?

After running to the bank to pay everything that was due, Amara hurriedly made her way to tell Lip the news. She knew Margot didn't make the money. The woman had barely kept a job for more than two weeks at a time. She had to of stolen it or something—but there had been no reports of robbery for any of the nearby banks. It was driving her insane as she tried to figure it out.

Amara swung the Gallagher's gate open, only for Lip to appear at the top of the stairs, Carl trailing behind him.

"Hey," he greeted, gently grabbing her arm. "Come with me."

"Where are we going, exactly?" she asked, allowing him to pull her to the location. He didn't answer, and they ended up in the side yard next to Kev and V's house. The engaged couple stood there, along with Fiona holding a latter, which Debbie was standing on, peering through the window.

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