Chapter 48

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Unraveling Deceit: Betrayal, Ambitions, and the Quest for Truth


Days had passed since I had confessed my love to Priya, albeit in a reckless manner. The teasing remarks exchanged between Niharika and me were nothing compared to the weight of my unrequited emotions. Yet, Priya seemed to be deliberately ignoring the fact that I had bared my heart to her. It was a situation I couldn't bear any longer. The uncertainty surrounding our connection and her persistent avoidance were driving me to the edge. Deep within, my instincts whispered that she was indeed Aami—the one I had been searching for. I needed to talk to her, to clear the air, but she was determined to steer clear of any discussion about our intimate encounter or my confession.

Today, as I sat in my office engrossed in my work, the sound of a gentle knock on the door pierced through the silence. I granted permission to enter, knowing it was Priya. She entered the room, holding a few files, her gaze avoiding mine whenever we were alone together. She maintained a strictly professional demeanor, refusing to grant me an opportunity to address what had transpired between us.

"Sir, the project report you asked for is here. Please check it and see if it is okay to submit," she stated, her voice devoid of any warmth or personal connection. I nodded in acknowledgment, my mind consumed with the desire to break through her walls of detachment.

"Thank you," I responded curtly, determined to confront her about her evasive behavior. As she turned to leave, I couldn't bear it any longer. I called out to her, my voice steady but laced with frustration. Folding my hands across my chest, I approached her, intent on unraveling the truth.

"Why are you behaving like this?" I questioned, my tone calm yet demanding. She frowned, meeting my gaze with a mixture of defiance and confusion.

"Now, don't give me that look. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Why do you persist in acting as if you're oblivious?" I pleaded, my patience wearing thin. She sighed, her eyes briefly darting downwards, a sign of her internal struggle. But before she could articulate her thoughts, I took a bold step forward, pulling her into an embrace.

Her body tensed against mine, instinctively resisting the intimacy, but I held onto her tightly, unwilling to let go. "Stay... Please," I whispered, my plea filled with desperation and a longing for her acceptance. Gradually, her struggles subsided, her breath growing heavy as she wrestled with her own emotions, attempting to conceal them.

"Why do you deny the truth of my feelings, Aami?" I implored, my voice trembling with vulnerability. The confusion that gnawed at my core was becoming unbearable. Though deep down, I felt certain that she was the Aami I had sought, I needed her to acknowledge it. I needed assurance that my emotions were genuine and that I wasn't merely using her as a means to escape from my unrequited love. The thought alone was abhorrent, and I couldn't stoop so low.

For a brief moment, she stilled within my embrace, her eyes locked with mine, silently grappling with her own internal conflict. And then, with a sudden motion, she pulled away, breaking our connection. Meeting my gaze head-on, she posed a question that pierced through me like a knife.

"Who is Aami?" she asked, her voice void of recognition or understanding. My frown deepened as I stared back at her, a mix of frustration and anguish flooding my veins.

"You don't know who she is?" I questioned, my voice tinged with disbelief. She shook her head, indicating her lack of knowledge.

The intensity of the moment tightened its grip on my heart. I couldn't comprehend how she could be so oblivious, so unaffected by the emotional hurricane that had engulfed me. My plea to her became more desperate, my voice tinged with a raw vulnerability.

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