Chapter 41

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Unveiling Emotions: A Birthday Gift that Healed


For the past hour, I sat restlessly in my office, my mind consumed by thoughts of Priya. The memory of our unexpected kiss at the party lingered, leaving me both exhilarated and bewildered. But then she disappeared without a trace, leaving me to grapple with unanswered questions and a deep sense of longing.

Days turned into a week, and I was left in the dark, not knowing where she was or how she was doing. The news of her sick leave only added to my growing anxiety. I wanted to reach out, to hear her voice and assure myself that she was alright, but the fear of rejection held me back. What if she didn't want to speak to me? What if I had misread the entire situation?

As I sat there, my mind racing with thoughts of Priya, another concern weighed heavily on my heart—my brother Ved. I had recently learned about his marriage to Niharika, a union that felt both unexpected and complicated. The conflicting emotions surrounding Ved's situation further muddled my thoughts and left me feeling torn.

The combination of Priya's sudden absence and Ved's marital turmoil had consumed my attention, leaving me unable to focus on my work. I let out a frustrated sigh, feeling the weight of uncertainty pressing down on me, as I grappled with the complexities of my emotions and the longing for some semblance of clarity in my life.

But amidst my turmoil, another concern tugged at my heart. Ved, my brother, had recently married Niharika, and it left me with mixed emotions. On one hand, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of happiness for him. It seemed like Niharika's presence in his life was bringing about a positive change, a new sense of purpose and connection. I could see it in Ved's eyes, even if he tried to hide it behind his usual cold and distant attitude. There was something there, something unspoken between them that went beyond what they claimed. Niharika had insisted they didn't love each other, but the concern in Ved's eyes betrayed his true feelings. It was a side of him I had never witnessed before.

However, my happiness for Ved was overshadowed by my growing concern for his possessive behavior towards Niharika. He was the type of guy who always gave off a cold attitude, rarely showing any vulnerability. But the way he behaved with Ritwik, a close ally, during that recent confrontation, it was undeniable that Niharika meant something more to him. I had never seen Ved so possessive and aggressive with anyone, not even with Arohi, who was once a significant part of his life.

Arohi... I sighed, thoughts of her flooding my mind. Though I didn't interact with her often, I couldn't help but harbor a strong dislike for her right from the start. It was as if she was envious of the bond Ved and I shared, resenting our relationship without any apparent reason.

Their history together was tumultuous, especially after our father's passing. Ved was shattered by the loss, and it seemed like he spiraled into a dark abyss. Their arguments became frequent, escalating into full-blown fights. Ved's behavior grew increasingly reckless, as if he had given up on everything, paving his own path to self-destruction. Those three years were pure torment. I feared that I would lose him too, that he would be swallowed by the abyss of his own despair. The company we inherited from our father was sinking, and at just 18 years old, I felt utterly helpless, unable to salvage what remained of our family legacy.

But then, everything changed after that fateful accident. I couldn't decide whether it was for better or worse. The Vedant who returned from the hospital was someone entirely different, unrecognizable. He became a person who never displayed any emotions, someone who grew cold and ruthless. His sole focus became the success of our company, and I must admit, I felt a sense of pride seeing him bring our father's aspirations to fruition. He showed no mercy or remorse, relentlessly demolishing every obstacle in his path to triumph. In his pursuit of success, I lost my sweet, cheerful big brother, the one who knew how to love and care. In his place stood a cold, emotionless individual whose sole concern was business.

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