Chapter 63

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Tangled Hearts


It has been two long months since I last laid eyes on her, and the absence has left a void in my heart. But now, in this unexpected moment, all the warmth and excitement rush back to me. I sit there, completely captivated, unable to tear my eyes away from her beautiful face.

I notice a change in her appearance. She seems to have lost weight, and her once naturally wavy brown hair is now straight, a detail I always adored. The way her skirt clings to her curves ignites a flutter of butterflies in my stomach. Her heaving chest and clenched fists, gripping her blazer tightly, reveal her inner turmoil. Our gazes lock, and I witness a range of emotions flicker through her eyes. Surprise and shock give way to a profound sadness and pain. I watch as she bites her trembling lips, trying to hold back the tears.

A lump forms in my throat as I witness the tears streaming down her cheeks. My instincts scream at me to run to her, to hold her in my arms and offer solace. Yet, I find myself immobilized, as if rooted to the chair. In a moment of anguish, she abruptly turns and flees from the restaurant. The bubble of happiness and surprise bursts around me, snapping me out of the trance I was in. Aching with longing, my heart feels heavy with regret and pain. Without a second thought, I push myself up and chase after her, desperately calling out her name.

I trailed closely behind her, my voice trembling with desperation as I called out her name, oblivious to the curious gazes and judgmental whispers that surrounded us. She quickened her pace, seeking solace in the depths of the nearby hallway.

Her slender fingers grasped the doorknob, opening the door to the dimly lit staircase, and she descended the steps with a fervor fueled by sorrow and longing. Every fiber of my being yearned to hold her back, to make her understand the depth of my emotions, to mend the broken pieces of our shattered connection.

I closed the distance between us, my hand finding its place on her trembling arm, halting her frantic escape. She turned, her eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise, pain, and a flicker of hope. The shadows danced upon her face, highlighting the raw vulnerability etched in her features. I could see the tear tracks staining her cheeks, glistening in the faint light.

With a gentle yet firm touch, I held her arms above her head, pressing her against the coolness of the wall, enveloping her in my embrace. Her resistance matched my own desperation, but I refused to let go, unwilling to accept a future without her. The weight of our shared sorrow and the ache of separation hung heavy in the air, suffocating us both.

"Niha, please... just a moment," I pleaded, my voice quivering with unspoken pain. Every word carried the weight of our shattered dreams, the longing for what once was and the fear of what could be lost forever. With closed eyes, I rested my forehead against hers, our breaths intermingling in a dance of melancholy.

In that suspended moment, time seemed to stand still, and the world faded away, leaving only the palpable longing between us. We sought solace in each other's presence, silently begging for the wounds to heal, for the shattered pieces to find their way back together. It was a bittersweet embrace, filled with sorrow, regret, and an overwhelming desire to salvage what remained of our love.

Gradually, she relinquished her struggle, surrendering to the weight of our shared emotions. As I released her hands, I wrapped my arms around her slender waist, drawing her closer to me. Her delicate fragrance of mint and jasmine enveloped me as I rested my head on the curve of her neck, seeking comfort and connection.

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