Chapter 55

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Beyond Vengeance


After our intense conversation, Kavya eventually bid her farewell and left, leaving me to contemplate her words in the wake of her departure. Her departure marked a significant shift in the atmosphere, as the weight of her revelations lingered in the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and a profound sense of regret.

I made my way to my study, feeling the weight of the conversation still heavy on my mind. Sinking into the comfort of the leather chair, I leaned back against the cushion, allowing myself a moment of respite. As fatigue slowly overcame me, my eyelids grew heavy, and I felt myself drifting into a peaceful slumber.

In my dream, she stood before me, radiating happiness and beauty. The gentle evening breeze tousled her hair, while the warm glow of the setting sun adorned her blushed cheeks. The playful waves lapped at her feet, and her gaze fixated on the mesmerizing horizon. A smile illuminated my face as I witnessed her joy. She was a captivating sight, as enchanting as a painting come to life. Drawn to her, I moved closer, unable to resist the urge to reach out and touch her soft, warm hands.

However, my blissful reverie was abruptly shattered by the ringing of my phone. Jolted awake, I fumbled to retrieve it from my pocket. The caller ID revealed it was my security chief. Clearing the remnants of sleep from my eyes, I answered the call, ready to attend to the matter at hand.

"Any updates? Have you located her? Where is she?" I asked anxiously, my words rushing out in a flurry.

"Unfortunately, sir, we haven't been able to ascertain Mrs. Aryan's whereabouts. She hasn't arrived in Pune and there's no record of her taking any flights. Her phone is switched off, making it difficult to trace her location," he informed me.

"Did you speak to Arohi? Is she involved in this?" I inquired, hoping for some clarity.

"I highly doubt it, sir. We thoroughly examined her contacts and discovered that the man who followed Mrs. Aryan to Pune claimed to have been instructed by Mr. Ritwik Singhania. Once he handed over the photos to Mr. Singhania, he was paid and hasn't had any further contact. The police also questioned Arohi, but they didn't find any suspicious connections to Mrs. Aryan's disappearance," he responded calmly.

Ritwik Singhania, you vile scoundrel. You will pay for this, I seethed, my teeth clenched with anger.

"Alright. Keep trying and inform me immediately if there are any developments," I instructed.

"And keep a close watch on Mr. Singhania," I added before ending the call.

Letting out a deep sigh, I placed the phone on the table. It was then that my eyes fell upon an envelope lying before me. Furrowing my brow, I picked up the envelope, curiosity piqued.

With trembling hands, I carefully opened the envelope and unfolded the papers inside. Each word on the divorce papers felt like a blow to my heart, shattering it into countless pieces. Tears welled up in my eyes, streaming down my cheeks, as the weight of the realization settled upon me.

Divorce. She wanted to sever our ties completely. The gravity of my mistakes and the consequences of my actions hit me with full force. I had lost the one person I had grown to care for deeply, and it was all my fault.

My thumb traced over her name on the documents, a painful reminder of what was slipping away from me. I turned the pages, hoping to find some solace, and there, at the end, I discovered a letter penned in her own handwriting.

Dear Ved,

As we find ourselves at a crossroads where our paths diverge, I have come to the difficult realization that continuing our relationship is no longer necessary. It seems that the people you perceived as a threat to me were actually my allies against you. There is no need for concern about my well-being anymore. Therefore, as we agreed, I kindly request that you honor our promise and release me by signing the divorce papers. I have included the contact details of my attorney so that you can reach out to him once you are ready to sign. He will handle the necessary arrangements.

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