Chapter 6

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Unveiling Vengeance


I sat in my office chair, grappling with the overwhelming drama that had befallen our hotel. The realization that this man, Mr. Aryan, possessed the shares to secure a position on the board left me stunned. How could he claim our hotel as his personal asset? And was his pursuit causing my father such immense stress that he ended up in a coma? Worry and confusion clouded my thoughts as I sought answers.

"Yes, Mam," my father's secretary confirmed, his voice filled with sympathy. "Mr. Varma had been under immense stress ever since the share acquisition news came to light. They managed to sway Mr. Khurana and Mr. Rao to their side, aiming to seize control of the hotel. After the board meeting, Mr. Aryan and your father had a private conversation. When Mr. Aryan left, your father seemed completely drained. He headed straight to the bar, and that's when things took a turn. I don't know what transpired between them, but shortly after, Mr. Varma's condition worsened."

My heart pounded in my chest. Was Aryan truly responsible for my father's current state? Anger surged within me, fueled by the sight of my father lying weakly in that hospital bed, surrounded by wires and tubes. Despite our complicated relationship, I couldn't bear to see him in such a vulnerable state. He had poured his blood, sweat, and tears into this hotel, and now my mother and sister's eyes were filled with sorrow.

The fire of anger ignited within me. How could someone dare to undermine all his hard work? I needed answers, and that man, Aryan, wouldn't simply walk around our hotel as if nothing had happened. "Where is he now? Where is Mr. Aryan?" I demanded, fury lacing my words.

"He has set up his office in the room next to Mr. Varma's," the secretary informed me, his voice trembling slightly.

Without a second thought, I stormed out of my office, my footsteps carrying me towards Aryan's domain. As I approached the door, a surge of uncertainty coursed through me. But I couldn't back down. I had to face him, today or any other day. With resolve, I turned the doorknob and stepped into his office.

The room was draped in shades of gray, with floor-to-ceiling glass windows on one side, casting a soft, muted light. A neatly organized desk held a computer, notebook, and a stack of papers, the weight of the world resting on that turtle-shaped paperweight. A black leather chair stood behind the desk, and a bookshelf lined the opposing wall, still awaiting some final touches. Empty. There was no one inside the room.

"Mr. Aryan?" I called out, my voice resonating through the empty space.

"Yes," a deep, husky voice replied from behind me. I turned around, and there he was, emerging from the back of the bookshelf. His navy blue suit hugged his form perfectly, his tousled hair adding an irresistible charm. But it was his eyes, filled with the same amusement as that morning, that held me captive. I felt an inexplicable warmth spread through me, momentarily forgetting the chaos surrounding us.

"May I help you with something?" he asked, his playful smile tugging at my heartstrings.

Oh no, what was happening to me? I needed to regain control. I came here to discuss the company and what he had said to my father. But with thoughts of my father still fresh in my mind, the anger surged back.

"What are your intentions? Why are you here? Why do you want to take over our hotel? And what did you say to my father that caused him to have a stroke?" I demanded, annoyance lacing my words.

His smile faltered, and lines formed on his forehead as confusion took hold of him. "I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're talking about. What does my presence here have to do with your father's condition? And who are you to ask me all these questions?" His voice held a genuine sense of bewilderment.

"Who am I? I am Niharika Varma, daughter of Mr. Nakul Varma. And as his daughter, I have every right to know what you said to him that led to his stroke and subsequent coma. So, tell me, what is it that you want from us?" I snapped, fury burning within me.

"Mr. Varma is in a coma?" he asked, his confusion turning into concern.

"Yes! You! You put him through hell, and now he's fighting for his life in the hospital. So, stop pretending and tell me what you're truly after. You may have a real estate empire waiting for you in Mumbai, yet here you are, plotting some sick game with my father's hard work. And don't you dare try to fool me with your claims of it being a mere asset. I know you have something to do with my father's condition," I spat, my anger overpowering me, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

His confused expression vanished, replaced by a cold, emotionless stare. Slowly, he approached me, standing before me with unwavering intensity. He leaned down, his eyes locked with mine, and a sinister smirk curled on his lips. "It's disappointing to see him crumble so easily. I was just getting started, and he's already out of the game without putting up a fight. No, no, no, that won't do. He must be awake to witness his downfall. Everything he holds dear will crumble, and I will personally ensure that he witnesses it all. I want to see the desperation in his eyes. He will wake up soon; I'll make sure of it." Each word dripped with venom, every inch of his being radiating with anger.

This was more than just anger. It was a thirst for revenge, a desire for utter destruction. And he meant every word he spoke. I could feel the heat of vengeance emanating from him, sending shivers down my spine. He was resolute in his intentions, and fear consumed me, transforming my boiling anger into a cold, paralyzing dread.

"What did he do to you to warrant such a vindictive response?" I managed to utter, my voice trembling.

"What did he do? He did what he shouldn't have. And he will pay for it," he hissed, his voice laced with malice.

In that moment, I realized the depth of the vendetta driving Mr. Aryan's actions. It was not just a matter of anger or revenge; it was a calculated, bloody act of retribution. And he meant every word he said. Fear gripped my heart, as I became acutely aware of the darkness that had engulfed my father's life and the potential danger that now loomed over my own.

Two Brothers: Shadows of DeceptionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora