Ch-39 The Game of Unseen Pleasure: part 1 (18+)

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I wanna by bob sinclar.

if uncomfortable please skip this chapter!!

Sylvia POV

"The game is simple."

He looked at me with amusement and glee to discover unknown pleasures which is ahead of him.

"There are three choices in front of you. Three wooden box. Each one contains a part of sense organ accompanied by with probs. A toy accompanied by it. The box you will chose will be my pleasure to give you tonight. The one you chose that sense organ will be taken away from me."

"Interesting..." he said with a smirk.

"As your the birthday boy i will let you do whatever you want to do to me. NO LIMITS. NO BREAKS OR STOPS. NO SAFE WORD TONIGHT."

"You sure you don't want safe word." He said with pride. "With all this unlimited power i can be abit rough."

"No safe words bae. Its my gift to you for tonight and you can do whatever want with it. Plus i am on pill so you can use your raw self and feel it all. No need for condoms."

"What if i want to choice not 1 but all 3 boxes...? Its my birthday after all"

"Abit greedy are we now?" I laughed. I continue speaking " in one of the boxes there is a bonus. If you chose the correct box then you will get one more box as per your choice."

"When can we start?" He said with the hunger to devour me right now.

I laughed.,"we can start right now." I said loosing my robe.He said sealing her lips on mine.

His kiss was rough and passionate. Like he was dying inside to have me. We hadn't sex sincs the incident...

But now all we want is to eat eachother up like animals. Like foxes in heat.

Fear love hate- song playing in background.

His hands moved fast to take off my bra.
"So you gotta choose remember?" I bit my lip and smiled.

He separated out pf breath. He walked towards the boxes and after thinking for a while he chose box no.3 .

I smiled at his choice. Lucky Man.

"Come on tell me my prize." He handed me the box.

I opened it. Inside it there was a card kept and a pair of handcuff. It had also they key to box no.1

"What does this mean?" He asked me.

I gave him a sexy grin," this means.." i showed him the card . It was written 'sight' . "The sense which is been taken away from me is sight. My eyes. So there is the blindfold and you can do do whatever to me and i can only feel it not see it. And the handcuffs means i will lose the function of my hands. You can tie me up the way you want. Plus as you won the extra prize of box number 1, you get to use the instructions kept in box number 1."

He laughed " i am ecstatic."

He took out the instrument from box 1 it was a leg spreader.

He observed it intencely. "I like it."

He kept the handcuffs in the bed.

He made his way towards me and kissed my lips. "This is the best present ever love!!"

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