Ch-20 The wolf is ready.

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Wolves song by Cyrus Reynolds

"Sometimes when the right is wrong
And north goes south
We dance with the devil
When angels burn" - rosavet

Justin POV

I saw Sylvia 3-4 years later. After our breakup, I was devastated. Though we were teenagers i still loved her till date. And we hadn't been talking much as we used to ...the only thing that kept us going was this bitter revenge that she wanted against him for me. And I knew Sylvia will come to me for it. Well i did made the perfect lie. I hated that bastard Ashton to my bones. She doesn't remember meeting him but i do very well. First he took lana and now Sylvia.

She knew what was at stake. When I got a call a few months ago from her I was overjoyed. She was finally talking to me normally. Even though it was to get even with that bastard, still she was with me.

When I saw her after all this time my heart stopped. She looked divine as always. My heartbeat is crazy for her. I knew she was not in the same place as I am still... but being near to her made all my urges and love overflow for her again which I kept bottled up.

I was irritated beyond words that she was going to dates with that piece of shit. Just imagining his hands over her and kissing her made my blood boil. Still, I controlled myself somehow...

But today! I couldn't... not only that bastard had her in his spell and grasps, but she also was falling for him. I could see that.

It was the first time ever I shouted and hurt Sylvia. It was not her fault, she is innocent. I told her the lie about Ashton to conceal the truth, which she believed. I would do anything to get her

I gestured for another glass. The bar was filled with the slutty girl. The bartender bought me another full glass of whiskey.
Never imagine I will be drinking my sorrows away.

Sylvia crying face came to mind. How hurt she must have felt when I said so horrible things about her mother. I knew how much she loved her. I am the worst and took a gulp of my drink.

It was all because of him. Ashton.
He took away everything from me, first Lana now Sylvia! He will pay! Now in twice as fold.

I took the bottle of whiskey and drank from it. I didn't care anymore.

"Wow, your drinking like you have lost your one and only love ..." a voice said from beside me.

I turned and looked at the sources if voice." Jena?"

"Yup one and only.." she sat down in the chair beside me.

"How are you here?"

"Well I am in town for a few days now... my client is selling his art collection for he wanted to hold his auction here."

She wore a second skin dress and clearly revealing for attention.

"So I presume you hereby luck?" I said to her.

"Yes, cause I don't mix pleasure with business." She said with a smirk.," but can make an exception for you always..."

She slid me another glass.

She knew me very well. We dated a few times before mostly physical.

I took the glass and drank. "So why are here alone drinking. Planning to kill someone?" She asked.

"Well someone is going to soon... by my hands," I thought of Ashton who stole Sylvia.

"That's a scary thought," she said. "So had a fight with Sylvia I presume?" She asked.

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