Ch-47 Master mind behind the Play

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Whispers by trapdoors.

Jenna Wanger POV

Sylvia thought she would escape me? I wanted her to hurt like i did.

She made me her enemy when she killed kevin. After our drugged out parents. He was my only family. And she took him away from me! Moreover my first love, Justin. She took away everything! She was college queen and when she told everyone i am crazy I couldn't stay anymore. Now i will show her how it feels to be on the other end. Killing Ashton in front of her eyes! Cindy is foolish enough help me. She think i dont know about her using me?! I let her think that! I have already got rid of her too. When she bought Sylvia here, i released her from her duty putting a bullet in the back of her skull. Pathetic girl!

Now let awake the princess. My eyes fell on Sylvia who was unconscious tied up in the chair.

I took the cold ice water and splashed it on her face. She coughed suffocating and woke up.

She looked confused but soon understood what happened. "Finally awake princess?" She looked around and she eyes fell on the lifeless body of Cindy.

She gave me a disgusting & horrified look. I guess she saw my face. It was burned half way cause of the incident last time. Which was her fault!

"Oh yes, she served her purpose well, bringing you to me. But now there is no need for her is there?" I laughed.

"Your sick! Jenna." She spat.

"You know you have got a smart mouth for someone who is tired to a chair. Infront of the girl holding the gun." I did handcuffed her to the chair beforehand.

Her face made a sudden realisation "where is Ashton?"

"He will be joining you soon till then, we will have some fun..." i gave a evil smirk.

"You tricked me!"

"Yeah... well it wouldn't have worked if you weren't dumb enough to fall for it. Good for me!" I said excited.

"Now time for some Fun." After saying that I walked over to the counter where I kept my gun and picked up a teaser. I flicked its switch, and sparks of electricity flowed though it. I turned to face her,"Tell me how did it feel to take away everything i love?" I asked her.

"You will not get away with it!" She gave me a hateful look.

"Eh.. wrong answer!" I put the teaser to her stomach and turned it on. She screamed in agony. Music to my ears. I waited so long for this. When i felt it was enough i turned it off.

"Next question how did it felt taking away Justing from me? My one and only love?"

"Your a murderer! You killed Justin! You BITCH!" She spat again. Seems like she is left with quite a sprite and will.

I teased her again. I want to break her will, her courage, her strength, her heart! Everything!

"Next question... how did you felt killing my one and only brother?"

She panted and looked at me,"it was an accident... I didn't mean to shoot him"

"If you didn't meant it... then you wouldn't have come forward that it was you who killed him! NOT COVERED IT UP AS SUICIDE!!!" I shouted at her.

"I am sorry... Jenna." She cried.

"Too late!" I gave her a cold dead look and teaser her again. Longer.

She screamed in pain. I didn't had any sympathy for her. I kept the teaser on the counter.

She strength was leaving her body, it was visible.
I met her at eye level," you took everything from me! Tormenting you is not enough ."

"So... kill me. " she said out of breath," you will be satisfied."

I laughed," oh darling i do plan to kill you! But before that i want to see you suffer. Like i did when i lost the once i loved."

I picked up my phone and called my henchmen ."bring him!"

She looked at me horrified.

I smiled," you guessed it right. Your dear lover will be joining us soon.


"Yes... my ultimate vengeance. Killing your dear Ashton in-front of your eyes."

"You have me! Kill me! Leave him out of this! He is innocent." She argued.

I grabbed her mouth," you took my love from me, its only fair i do the same." I slapped her after saying that.

"Now... lets wait for lovers boy."

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