Ch -4 Competetion or Heat

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chewing gum song. (Silvia song)

Sylvia's POV

I stood near the bar to get a drink.
I was tired of giving glares to a certain person.

"Cosmopolitan I presume." Someone said behind me.

I turned around to look and it was Ashton.

"Talk of the devil.." I whispered.

"What's that?" He asked.

"I said that's not my drink"

"Then, screwdriver? Or Moscow Mule?"

I signed," this may take forever so let me save you the trouble of tormenting guessing."

I turned to the bartender," An Aviation please."

And then turned to him. " well that could have taken a while, I didn't assume you as an Aviation type of girl." He said to me.

"I am what is called unexpected," I said in a sarcastic way

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"I am what is called unexpected," I said in a sarcastic way.

"Is this seat taken he asked me? " he asked me.

I lied. "Yes"

He sat down beside me. I rolled my eyes.

"Tell me something about yourself." He said.

"Read the magazine or tabloid. You will get to know me." I replied. Not at all interested to talk to him.

"I do know that but, I think that is just a gossip. I want to get to know the real you"

"Why the sudden interest in me?" I asked him.

"Just answer me," he said.

"If I do will you leave me alone?" I asked him. The bartender gave me my drink.

"Nope." He smiled.

" then why should I?"

"I will keep asking you until you do." He said.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be? I think your date is looking for you." I said taking a sip of my drink.

"Oh my, are you that eager to get rid of me? Hate me that much?"

I scoffed," wow, see you know something about me, and even without myself telling you." I said with a sarcastic attitude.

He looked calm. I didn't expect that.

"Okay, let's make a bet."

"A Bet?"

"Yeah if I win you have answered my question." He said drinking his scotch.

"And what makes you think I want to play with you?"

"If you win then I will leave you alone and you can enjoy your evening the way you want, without me."

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