Ch-42 Family time

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Let it die -rival

Sylvia POV

I was a little distracted by the events that happened during the ball. Ashton was talking about our dinner date tonight but i was very much occupied to pay any attention to it.

Who was that women?

What did she want with Ashton?

Moreover i felt like i have seen here somewhere...

I need to find out. Ashton is already troubled with jena. I cant trouble him with this now.

"Earth to Sylvia " Ashton called on me.

"Yeah Ash..?" I looked at him .

"Where did you wonder of to?"

"Oh it's nothing..." I smiled and reassured him.

He took a sip of the red wine and said," how about we do a dinner date?"

My eyes widen with joy. "Sounds amazing " its been some while since i had dinner dates cause of our work and schedule.

He got up and kissed my cheeks."got run to work now. Miss you" he had an urgent call from office on his days off and he has to go to check it.

I got up and hugged him. "I will be waiting for you Mr. Hardlin."

He bid be goodbye and went out the door.

I leaned back on my comfy chair. I have to find out who was that women and i cant just let Ashton deal with jena. She is after me cause of kevin. I cant help but feel that all the trouble Ashton went though is because of me. I came to his life and brought a baggage of trouble with me. Then something came to my mind. I saw some kind of a tattoo in her fingers.

I need to sort it out. I cant burden him anymore.

I picked up my iphone and dialled cecil " hey cecil i need your services."

"Its been a while i head from you. I was kinda worried when you disappeared."

"Yeah thats a long story."

"So what you need for now?" She asked me.

"Umm, you remember jena?"

"How can i forget the phyco." She scoffed.

"Yeah, she kinda kidnapped me and now she has disappeared after killing Justin."

"The FUCK. I am so sorry Sylvia. I knew justin was your close friend.... your life is messed up cause of her."

"I know shades of fucked up my life... so, i need you to find out where she is at. I have a gut feeling she is not alone. She is getting help from somewhere."

"You can count on me. I will find out everything what that bitch is upto..." she was going to end the call when i stopped her.

"Wait. There is a girl whom jena confident with... Cindy kingsly. Give me all you can find on them." She has the same tattoo on her fingers to the last time i met her in Ashton office.

"You got it."

I ended the call and hold on to my phone. I will not let Ashton get into trouble or suffer for me anymore.

I took a quick shower and started to dry my hair with dryer. I got ready quickly cause i knew Ashton will be coming soon from work. I was excited for our dinner date today. I was lost in my thoughts when i head a knock on the door. Who that might be?

I opened the door and was surprised!


A pair hands hugged me,"hey bunny girl."

I hugged him back. "What are you doing here?" I asked him astonished.

He kissed my cheeks. "Its been hard to get a hold of you bunny, so i thought to drop by..."

"You could have called dad..." i guided him to the sofa and took a seat beside him.

He shrugged," i could have but I didn't want to miss the surprise look on your face."

I held his hand," it was a nice surprise " i smiled and continued speaking "So, how was Dubai?" I knew he was working with oil tycoon.

"It was boring business and work."

"I missed my bunny."

I hugged him in joy. "Awww and what about Melene?" I knew has divorcing her. Finally the evil stepmother is out of the picture.  I was glad dad finally saw what she really was. A gold digger.

"Don't worry bunny, she will no longer claw her way in our lives. She is gone for good."

"Even though i knew she was no good, i am sorry dad you had to go though that... you did loved her" my face was filled with sorrow.

He lifted my chin,"i love you the most and your mother." The warmth filled my chest and I couldn't contain it. My eyes were teary.

"I love you too dad."

We hugged again and the embrace fill me with bliss.

I got up shaking my head," you must be thirsty, let me get you something " i walked towards the kitchen to pour water in the glass.

"I see you got a lovely home ." He said walking upto me.

"Yes, Ashton and I thought it would be nice to get one together." I smiled.

"Well i was surprised abit when I didn't hear about your new man from you, instead i had to find it out from the tablets." He said hurt.

"Sorry dad, I didn't knew myself that it will be so much more..." i handed him the glass.

"Are you happy with him?" He asked taking a sip of the water in a serious tone.

"Yes dad... he is the kind of love which seems to good be true. I love him." I replied to him with a warm feeling and smile on my face.

He smiled at me,"that all i want for you to be happy my girl."

I made way towards him and pushed him to go an sit in the sofa. "You must be tired from your journey, take a seat dad."

He signed,"you worry to much bunny. Your old man is still very healthy and strong." He laughed.

I went to get my phone from my room. I should give Ashton a heads up about this. I dialled his number but it just kept ringing. I ended the call. He must be driving.

I went downstairs to chat with dad some more.

10 minutes went by and their was knock on the door. It must be Ashton! I got up to get the door but my dad said," you take a seat dear, i will see it." And went to open the door.

I knew Ashton will be getting a shock too.

I just hope they like each other...

With that thought i went to the door.

With that thought i went to the door

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