The Clothing

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It is sunday, and I have been training in the dungeons in case he wants to fight. I still don't have any souls. But if Okami wants a fight then that might change. I have my sword in my inventory so that I can use it if I need to. I realise that in the middle of remembering my dad I forgot to check Deadrick's stats again.

I arrive at the square that we planned to meet at. after realising we didn't plan out a hanging spot we met back up and discussed it, he likes the cafe they have near Deadrick's shop. After standing here for a few minutes I hear Okami from behind me, "Hey Kash whats up." I turn and see him in a slouched walk with his grin, he is genuinely happy to see me, and still extremely confident.

"Hey Oka, good to see you." I say going with the nickname thing we seem to be doing. Getting a better look at him I realize he isn't skinny, he is mostly muscle, just really lean muscle. He reaches me and puts his arm around my shoulder, "Lets hit up that cafe I like around here, then you can show me that store you always hang out in."

So he wants to see Deadrick's shop huh, "Sounds good to me man." We spend a few hours in the cafe drinking coffee, since neither of us like tea, and just chatting. He is a horror buff who moved here from the states, but I get the feeling he was lying on that one, but my skill isn't strong enough to know for sure with really good liars.

He is also a big fan of medieval stuff, he apparently studied medieval sword fighting so that he could do it, and he might have lied about not being to good at it. He is a pretty funny guy, definitely kept me entertained. He was also have a great time, he even started glowing yellow at one point due to how happy he was, maybe he doesn't wanna fight me after all.

We eventually make it to The Dark and Oka excitedly heads in while I follow behind him. Deadrick peaks from his counter across the store at us, "Ahh, young Kashi who is your friend here?" Deadrick give a smile and then Oka say, "I am Okami Tori, I just moved here from the states it's nice to meat you sir." Oka walks up to Daedrick and sticks out his hand, Deadrick shakes his hand and says, "I think you have more manners than Kashi did when he met me, I might have a new favorite." the two of them laugh and they are both happy, a common emotion for today I guess.

After some chatting we leave and it's already getting dark out, "Well, I'm gonna head out Kashi, see you whenever." Oka says as he hands me a slip of paper with his number on it, "Later Oka."

We part ways and I think I can trust him, if he wanted a fight he could have engaged in one.

A/N: So I started writing this right after the last chapter and ended up finishing it earlier than I expected so you guys get a double update tonight, don't expect this again though.

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