Kashi's ranking.

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The Terran ranking system was created millions of years ago by The Librarian, a member of The Council and God Of Knowledge. It is a system that takes several factors and gives every Terran a class and a rank within that class. The classes are D, C, B, A, and S with + and - variants for each one. There are over six billion Terrans as of the most up to date list, however most of them are in the D's. There is also the rank of SS+ which only has five in it. Here is a breakdown of Kashi's ranking. 

Toughness: 3/100

Physical toughness.

Strength: 3/100

Physical strength.

Speed: 3/100

Physical speed.

Drive: 2/100

The desire to achieve what you want.

Magic Capabilities: 6/100

Magic Abilities.

Sword: 3/100


Polearm: 0/100

The ability to use polearms.

Axes: 0/100

The ability to use axes.

Bows: 0/100


Guns: 0/100

The ability to use guns.

Overall: 20/1000

Overall score.

Class: D-

Rank: 672

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