Zombie Dungeon

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A/N: I know that yesterday I said that this would be another dialogue heavy chapter, but I realise that I have had a lot of that lately so this will be a mostly action chapter that I was going to do after the next two, but I decided it is better here.

I entered the dungeon and was greeted by an empty street again, then I heard the growl from a zombie and turned around to see two normal one's and poison one. they all charge at me at once so I pull up the ground to create a wall that they all slam into. I drop the wall forward crushing all three of them, killing them instantly.

I hear a big roar and turn around to see a big zombie, the towering wall of rotting flesh charges at me. I put up another wall only for him to crash through it. The wall did stop him so he stands there and roars in front of me, I use observe on him.

Strong Enemy

Name: Brute Undead

Type: Medium Level

HP: 28/28

Phys Defence: 10%

Magic defence: 0%

Dark Defence: 0%

Light Defence: 0%

Soul Chance: 65%

Well, he is much tougher than the other guys, and what's Soul Chance? My thought process got interrupted by a downward swing from the big guy, I jumped back in time and saw that he created a mini crater where his fist landed. I pulled out my sword and swung at him connecting with his arm.


Oh no, this is gonna take forever. The Brute roars again and takes a swing at me, I create armor around my arm that I use to block the hit.


God that hurt, and that hit was with me using an armored block, I should focus on dodging instead. The big guy takes another downward swing at me, I dodge and swing at him hitting his back.


I need something else to hurt this guy with, I don't like the idea of chipping away at him. I cause a pilair to shoot up out of the ground hitting him in the chin.


Still not very good but it did knock him off his feet allowing me to swing down and connect with his head.


That still isn't very good, he gets up and takes another swing, connecting and knocking me off my feet.


"Ughh", that knocked the wind out of me I look up to see him taking a swing down at me and stick my arm out only to feel heat and see fire.


The Brute is on the ground and I get a notification.


Fire Magic


EXP: 0%

Description: one of the most dangerous and arguably most powerful element for Terran magic. The user can create fire in various ways, power comes with higher levels controle come with practical experience.

Nice, that is the edge I needed. The Brute is on the ground after that blast so I stand up and blast him again while he is standing up.


The Brute is dead. I feel my ring glow and see a white mist coming from the Brute into the ring, I get a notification.

1 Medium Soul gained

Maybe Soul Chance is the odds of me getting a soul from the enemy when they die, well I guess it's good that the big guy had a fairley high chance of giving me one. I hear a growl and see four basic zombies and three toxic. The hoard charges at me all at once so I put out a steady stream of fire from my offhand at the seven of them.








They are all killed by the stream of heat that hit them, two of the charred bodies start leaking that mist into my ring and I get another notification.

2 Small Souls gained

Hmm, I wonder what the chances are for getting a soul from them are, I use observe on the bodies

Basic Enemy

Name: Undead

Type: Low Level

HP: 0/8

Phys Defence: 0%

Magic defence: 0%

Dark Defence: 0%

Light Defence: 0%

Soul Chance: 53%

Basic Enemy

Name: Toxic Undead

Type: Low Level

HP: 0/12

Effect: Toxin inflicts the toxin debuff when hit.Phys Defence: 0%

Magic defence: 0%

Dark Defence: 0%

Light Defence: 0%

Soul Chance: 40%

I don't understand how the Soul Chance is judged but I do feel pretty unlucky that I've only gotten two souls from these guys since their percentages are pretty high. Oh well, I got two small souls and a medium soul so Deadrick will be happy and I got a new ability so that's nice. I use Dungeon Escape and find myself in the front hall of my house, I leave for school, I decide to get some training in beforehand.

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