An Interesting Development

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I was walking to school when I suddenly feel something collide with my side. I quickly spin around, expecting a fight, only to see a blonde girl in a nun's outfit on the ground, "HE- Are you okay?" I quickly switch from an aggressive voice to a softer tone as I sticks out a hand to help her up. The girl looks up to him, "Uhm, yes I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." The girl takes my hand, feeling embarrassed. I use observe.

Name: Asia Argento

Race: Human

Age: 17

Lvl: 9

Title: N/A

Fame: An Outcast.

HP: 30/30

Mana: 150/150



"It's alright, shit happens, where are ya heading?" The blondie is a little apprehensive after I swore, guess she's an innocent little thing. She is also quite high level for a normal human, and her mana is pretty high too, what's up with this girl?

Yeah strange. What the fuck was that? I look around and see no one else around us, I'll ask Dea about this. I turn back to the slightly flustered girl, "Ya got a name miss?" She blinks a few times, "Oh, yes, my name is Asia Argento."  I internally chuckle at her awkwardness, "I'm Kashi, Kashi Jackson, now where were you heading?" 

My repeat question seems to startle her out of her uncomfortableness, "Oh, I'm heading to the church, do you where it is?" Well it seems like her awkwardness has mostly faded, "Yeah, come with me." I've seen a church around before while just wandering around town. We walk for a while before we come across a park with a kid crying in it. 

Asia walks over to the kid who had apparently scraped his knee. She bends down and heals him, Wow, that's important. That voice says in a mocking tone. Seriously, what the hell is that? She stands up and walks back over to me with a smile, "So, I guess you're curious about that." I snort, "You can heal, cool, let's go." She looks surprised by my reaction but just continues walk in silence with me.

Eventually we see the church and Asia turns to me, "Thank you very much Kashi, I hope to see you around." I pat her head, "You too, later." I walk off as she stands there stunned for a moment. I should probably check in with Dea to talk about this voice, am I going crazy? Is this related to the breachers? The fallen angels? Rias and Sona? Is it something Dea would know about? He is really smart and wise and knows a lot so maybe? I don't know, this is all very strange.

I suddenly feel a strong wave of malicious intent from behind me. I turn around just in time to dodge a light spear. I see a fallen angel girl I haven't met before.  This one has long blue hair an a maroon trench coat like top with a matching miniskirt. I notice that the top part of her coat is open revealing her entire cleavage, "Do all angels dress like sluts here or only the ones who managed to piss off the dude with infinite patience?" She scoffs and I use observe on her.

Speciale Enemy

Name: Kalawarner

Type: Medium Level

lvl: 19

HP: 100/100

Mana: 300/300

Phys Defence: 9%

Magic defence: 20%

Dark Defence: 53%

Light Defence: 86%

Soul Chance: 100%


Light Magic

Dear god, it can't be, oh no, she's even weaker then Raynare. My shock must have shown on my face because she started to laugh, "What realise how outclassed you are boy." She throws a light spear my way as she shouts at me, "Raynare is a weakling, I can't believe she considers you a threat LET ALONE BEING BEATEN BY YOU TWICE!"

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