A Sobering Experience

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Dea, Deth, Sona' peerage, Rias' Peerage, Oka, The local fallen, and myself are all gathered near the church. It's dark out, "Alright, I briefed you all on what we are doing, any questions?" Death speaks up. Sona raises her hand, "Do we know how many stray exorcists are in the church?" Death shakes his head, "No, but expect a lot."

Raynare is staring at me intently, and I can feel a mix of fear, excitement, and arousal coming off of her. The air around our group feels like nervousness and tension. I'm also pretty nervous, Dea and Death are top tier fighters and rather overleveled, but aside from them I'm the strongest and most of the opponents in there are around my level or just below my level, except maybe the exorcists.

Death sighs and gives us all a last look over, "Welp, you all know your marching orders, let's take these guys down." The two devil peerages teleport to the church and rush in, the plan as for them to take on the exorcists, and for the rest of us to slip in during the chaos and take out our targets. My nervousness is not helped by the fact that I know nothing about my target.

Shouting and the sounds of battle can be heard from inside the church, promoting the rest of us to move. Death warps inside the church, the fallen fly in through the front door, and the rest of us run in through the front door. I start looking for my target, only to feel something wrap around my waist and pull me out of the church.

I pop back up and look around to see a man standing in a featureless half black half white mask. He was wearing a half black half white skin tight one piece with a white jacket over it, the hood up. He also has on a black left boot and a white right boot. He has what looks like a lance the size of a straight sword in his left hand and wires coming off of his right hand. I use observe on him.

Name: ???

Race: Terran

Age: 19

Lvl: 67

Title: Masterpiece,

Fame: The pride of Project Lazarus.

HP: 356/356

Mana: 450/450


Perfect Lazarus

Description: This skill is the result of an awful experiment, of which he was among two survivors. The users body will heal automatically, this is a perfect version, an example of his superiority over his surviving peer, and those who fell before him.


"I've been looking forward to this." Masterpiece says in a voice obviously distorted by magic, "What, you like getting your ass kicked?" I reply. This dude is excited, "Wnderfull, simply wonderful, I guess I get to once and for all assert my superiority by killing you, a Jackson is truly a worthy opponent. This dude is definitely above me in level, and this is going to be hard, but let's see if we can't do this.

I fire off a blast of TAP at him, only for him to jump over it and land in front of me. I swing at him, only for my hand to get wrapped in wires. My opponent twists his right hand and the wires twist my hand causing a loud snap.


I cry out in pain and he stabs me through the stomach, it burns.


He kicks me off of his sword and I land on the ground.


I open my stats and take a look at my health.

Hp: 25/355

Wow, he is really fucking me up. I roll away from him and go to take a sip from my flask, only for a few wires to knock it out of my hand he wags a finger in front of me, "None of that now Mr. Jackson, I've been watching you, and I don't want you putting up a fight." His wires quickly wrap around me, keeping me in place, "Looks like your the one getting his ass kicked. Now, if you don't mind, I'll borrow something real quick." He then reaches out and touches my forehead, everything goes black.

I wake up in my bed, "Kashi, are you alright?" I look over to see a very concerned Kala sitting in a chair next to me. I nod, promoting her to leap from her chair and wrap me in a tight hug, "Good, I'd hate it if you weren't." She shot up so fast her chair tipped over and caused a loud thud on my bedroom floor. I hear footstep rapidly approaching my room. My door bursts open to reveal Dea and Oka.

"Hey man, good to see you up." Oka says, "Kashi, you are alright, that is wonderful." Dea says as he rushes over and gives me a hug. He sighs and realesses me, "We were able to take down the exorcists, Migeous, and Kasey, but Hellser and Masterpiece escaped." Fuck man, this is what happens when you don't have my valuable input. Silence, that was the first time we really lost a fight, we need to be better prepared.

"Fuck." Dea sighs, "Fuck indeed Kashi, fuck indeed. But we did find a girl that was being held captive, it was thanks to her that your still here, healed you right up." Well, since our health didn't go to zero we would have survived, we owe this chick nothing Kash. Come now, have some gratitude, she helped. Hmmm, your right old man, she could be cute. I do not know why I bother with you, your hopless.

"Oh, where is she, I should probably thank her." I stand up, feeling a little tired but otherwise fine, I open up my stats to check my health.

Hp: 355/355

Guess she's a really good healer, that and I go to full health if I sleep enough, speaking of which, "How long was I out?" Kala speaks up, "About a day."  Hmm, alright, "The girl is probably at the ORC building right now, if you want to talk to her." Ugh, and have to deal with Rias, no dice. We should learn to get along with her, she could be a good friend in the future. I sigh, "Alright, I'll head over in a bit to thank her."

I wonder what he borrowed?

"The stairway to the stars is built from the blood of the innocent and guilty alike. So why do we need to be so picky with test subjects?"- Director Lewis Declark.

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