People And Places

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I was walking through Kuho, as I was told this town is called, when I spot a few stores. They are nothing special for the most part, a grocery store, a dinner, ect. there was a store that caught my attention though. It had a darker color scheme than the surrounding stores. The sign on the front says "Welcome To The Dark." I decided to walk in and look around. 

I see rows of things on shelves like in any other store, stuff like crystal balls and bottles full of a liquid labelled 'Holy Water'. "Welcome." says the shop owner as he spreads out his arms to his sides, "My name is Dedrick, I run this shop." he says putting his hands down on the counter. His skin is wrinkled and worn his hair is black but graying in some spots he has lines on his forehead and his face scrunched up from his smile.

"Hi my name is Kashi Jackson." Deadrick laughs lightly, "I know who you are son." he has a low gravelly voice, "You are not from this world and neither am I." What?  I should use observe on him.

Name: Dedrick Blackfire

Gender: Male

Race: Terran

So he is Terran too. "I have helped people for a long time and now it is time for me to help you. But I do not offer my services for free, my payment is not in usual means, I take money for whatever you see on the shelves but, I have speciale items that need a special payment."

He chuckles lightly, "What is this payment?" I ask curios, he sighs, "You are not meant to be here, your presence has rippled into our universe as well as this one. People and Creatures from Terra throughout its entire timeline, even those who are dead." He pulls out a featureless silver ring, "This Ring prevents others from detecting you are anything speciale, but it also can collect souls from these creatures and people, they have different ranks of power, these souls are my currency." I pick up the ring and put it on, "Your memories from the past world are vague and foggy, it happened to me too, but I know how to retrieve them from the depths of your mind, it might even unlock skills you didn't know you had. I shall do it now."

He raises his hand and it starts glowing. My head starts to hurt Terrans are superior to Humans.

Skill Unlocked: Terran Physique


Exp: 0%

Description: Terrans have a body that is superior  to Humans as they were made to kill humans by The Old King Of Space and The Destruction. Take 5% less physical damage.

"Would you like to take a look at my wares?" Dedrick asks as he waves his arm to the side. I see a menu pop up

Purchase items

Recover Memories


I mentally press the top option and a box pops up.

Holy Water, 1 weak soul.

Description: Water that has been blessed by a holy figure. Is toxic to evil creatures like Devils.

Red Holy Water, 1 weak soul

Description: Water Blessed by a Terran holy figure. Is toxic to pure creatures such as angels.

Bleeding Water, 2 weak souls

Description: A blend of Holy water, Red Holy Water, and a mysterious concoction. Is toxic to all Non-Human and Non-Terran creatures.

Cap's Flask, 2 weak souls, 1 medium soul

Description: A flask made of Flourdium which is extremely durable and disperses the energy to surfaces around it in a non-harmful manner, does not disperse to the air around it. This flask gives healing properties to any liquids that don't naturally harm you.

Lucifer, 3 medium souls

Description: One of the weapons forged from The Destruction's sword, it has lost most of its magic but is still incredibly sharp and completely unbreakable.

Oblivion, 3 strong souls, 1 Fighter's soul

Description: One of the weapons forged from The Destruction's sword, It can channel Destruction magic and has a sheath made from the same metal as the sword and is just as unbreakable. Used by Cap to kill gods in his early days.

Obsidian, 3 strong souls, 1 Beast's soul

Description: One of the weapons forged from The Destruction's sword, it is a greatsword that channels destruction magic, it has been greatly deformed by being left in The Void for so long. It is heavier than your average sword, but was used by Cap to kill dragons later in his life.

Jeromy Gauntlets, 2 strong souls, 1 Lost soul

Description: Gauntlets created by Jeromy, which is how it got its namesake. They channel dark magic into deadly strikes, however there creator eventually succumb to the dark after proving unable to handle the strain it put on his mind.

Slicer, 5 weak souls, 4 medium souls, 3 strong souls, 1 Hero's soul, 1 fighters soul, 1 lost soul, 1 Ancient soul

Description: A sword made out of flourdium that was the first weapon Cap obtained, he used it to invent Capstyle, which he used to kill his master to get Oblivion from him so he could kill The Transcendents. it has bathed in the blood of just about every type of creature and slaughtered millions of creatures and people and has somehow gained additional damage against everything supernatural.

I mentally close the box and say goodbye to Deadrick before leaving his store.

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