A Date With Fate

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I was on my way to Deadricks shop to talk to him, when on the bridge I cross everyday I see that brown haired girl I met earlier today, what was her name? Isumi, yes that's it. Anyway, she was talking with a darker haired girl on the bridge and I couldn't quite hear what they were saying and I was far away so I could only barely feel it.

Isumi was excited and happy but the other girl had a mix of boredom, and distress, which is strange since she looks interested in Isumi. The dark haired girl walks away and Isumi jumps up and shots in excitement before turning around and sees me.

"What was that about?" I ask walking up to her, "Uhmm, well she just asked me out on a date." She says while blushing, flustered after her previous outburst, "Hmm, good for you." She smiles at me, "Yep, hey are we friends now?" She asks with a little fear giving a more serious face, "Uhmm, sure I guess." I respond causing her to smile again, "Oh, uhmm, thanks." She says flustered, "What for?" I ask, "Not hating me because I'm kind of pervert."

Isumi sounded, and was, sad when she said that, "Well you seem nice enough to me." She is happy at that, "Well I have to go now, later." I say as I walk past her to get to Deadricks shop, "Later." She yells after me, happy at having a new friend and a new date.

I arrive at The Dark but before I walk in I sense caution coming from someone around me, there aren't many people so I take a quick look around and spot a familiare blond, it's that Kiba girl from the ORC and she is definitely the one feeling caution. I walk up to her, "Hey there, funny seeing you hear." I say as she is getting incredibly nervous from me approaching her, "Yes quite a coincidence indeed." She says, lying.

"I can tell when people are lying, just so you know." I say, causing her to tense up, "I don't believe that." She says, and I can't quite tell whether she is lying, or just trying to convince herself that she isn't, "It's a thing called magic, kinda usefulle." She is now straight up scared and getting ready to fight, "No need to be on edge, I mean you and your club no harm alright, oh, and tell Rias I said that." I say as I walk away and into The Dark, feeling her relief as I do so.

"Kashi, how are you?" Deadrick greats with a wave and a smile from behind the counter, "Good, how are you?" I respond causing a laugh from the, oh yeah his age.

Name: Deadrick Blackfire

Race: Terran

Age: Nine Billion years, give or take

Lvl: ???

Title: The Black Flame, The Hero Of The Old Tribe

Fame: Fifth and current possessor of The All Power

Wow, maybe he was at the war? He is old enough, and the whole Hero Of The Old Tribe thing sounds interesting. Not to mention The All Power, that sounds.... powerfull. And him being the 'Fifth And Current' possessor means it can probably be passed down, and not showing his Lvl, is he so far ahead of me that I can't see it, that is just crazy to think about.

"Now, what can I do for you, Kash?" He says, putting a light joking jab at the end of the nickname, "Could I ask you a couple questions?"

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