Prep Time

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So I am now officially an honorary member of Rias's peerage. I don't technically have anything binding me with Rias or a piece, so I'm basically a pawn that can't promote that can only be used for one fight. Nonetheless, I'm off to Hell to train with her peerage in a place owned by the Gremory family. We are taking a hike to get there, because it's not like Devil's can teleport or anything. It is all part of the training, we need to endure hardship to achieve true strength. This is actually one of the founding beliefs for Utak Hes.

What's that? Utak Hes is a Terran martial art used by the western tribe in the Seven-Hundred Year War and later the Utak nomads of which I belonged to during my life. You were a monk? Well, no, not technically, I was a nomad, which means I had no home, instead choosing to wander the world. God, why does that make so much sence?

A tap on my shoulder pulls me out of my auto pilot, "Hey Kashi, I know you don't like me very much, but I would like you to like me, so if I can do anything for you to make that happen, just let me know, okay?" I look at the red faced Isumi, be it from being flustered or the large pack she was carrying on her back, "I don't like Rias, you were just an extension of that. Just dial it back with the whole wanting to kiss me thing and were good." Isumi nods at that, "Right, I just need to not be so upfront about kissing you and I'll get a kiss from you."

"Maybe." I say as I walk ahead. I would like to do a lot more than kiss her. SILENCE! We shall not be the one to taint her further, she is already a pervert, we shouldn't make her a full blown sexualle deviant. Your inexperience with women shows. Inexperience? Dude I'm a solid hundred years older than you, and I totally rocked the babe scene way harder than some monk. I am not a monk, I am a nomad. Not anymore. Now you got a permanent home, right here, with me foooooorever. Sometimes I pray The All Power gets completely destroyed somehow. Permanent non-existence has to be better than this.

After a while of walking a building comes into view, "That is were we will be training." Rias says as she points to the building. I look back and see Isumi struggling to carry her bag. Be a gentleman and help her out. Dude, we are here to train, if we help her out with this bag then she will miss out on the valuable experience of carrying her own bag up this hill. That, is a surprisingly good point, let her struggle. Wow, it's rare you have good advice Rok, okay, she can do it herself then.

I continue forward and it doesn't take long to reach the building, "This place belongs to the Gremory family, we will be staying here until the rating game." RIas says with a hand gesture towards the building. Isumi is the last one to make it up the hill, collapsing when she reaches the top. She was laying with her pack on top of her, "That sucked balls." Then she lets out a small laugh when she looks at me, "But I did it." Told you. Hmmm, nice work Rok.

I walk over and pick her up by the pack with one hand and place her in a standing position, "Not done yet, we gotta get inside the building first." I give her a light shove and she starts walking towards the building at a rapid pace. Koneko walks up next to me with a massive pack, "Nice." She says as she keeps walking. Huh, she tiny. She is rather strong for her size. But she tiny do.

Yuma walks up next to me wearing a pack smaller than Konekos but bigger than Isumis, "I look forward to training with you, I would appreciate learning from a superior fighter." Akeno is the next in the line up to walk past me, "Well aren't you mr. populare, I look forward to punishing you for being so rough with us last time." She leans in to whisper that last part in my ear before walking towards the building. Mmhmm mmhmm, daddy issues. What? She got daddy issues, I guarantee it. Also, don't be in a room alone with her for a prolonged period of time, she gives me the creeps.

Noted. Asia taps me on my shoulder, "I look forward to knowing you better." I look down at her and nod, "Me too, you seem sweet."  She blushes at that and continues on. Rias walks up to me, "Alright, now get inside, we will start training properly tomorrow, do you know how to cook?" I look her dead in the eyes, "I can reheat things over a campfire, that is the extent of my abilities." She nods, "Well your going to learn, now that you are a part of my peerage." I give her a stern look, "Temperrary, I am a temporary part of your peerage."

I walk towards the building leaving Rias annoyed.

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