Abandonment And A New Home

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I open my door, to the annoying sounds of someone crying. Today has been rather stressful and frustrating, I don't wanna have to deal with someone crying too. I look in the living room to find Kala, sit up on the coach crying. I walk over to her, "What's wrong?" She jumps and looks up at me. It looks like she has been crying for a while, "Uhm, nothing sir."She tilts her head down and starts to cry quieter.

I walk around the coach and sit down. She leans away from me, "D- do you want me to move sir?" I wrap my arm around her, "No, what's wrong?" She leans into me and begins sobbing into my shoulder, "Raynare contacted me today." Oh shit, "Yeah?" She holds me tighter, "I've been abandoned." She starts to sob harder, "She said that I'm a lost cause that now that I'm yours there isn't hope for me."

"What do you mean your mine now?" She sniffles and looks up at me, "Well, I did kinda submit to you." She starts to rub her hand on my chest, "So, I was wondering if you'd claim me? I've lost my previous home and now I need a new one, so, can I be yours?" I rub my hand down her hari, "Sure." She leans into me, "Thanks, do you have any way of healing me?" Hmm, I don't- I'm a dumbass. I pull out the flask, "Here, drink outta this."

"Well, a drink wouldn't hurt." She grabs the flask and takes a large swig before looking at it puzzled, "Water?" She suddenly gasps and looks down. She tears the rag I had taped on off and stares at her healed leg, "Why didn't you do that this morning?" Why did you do it now? I sigh, "I was in a hurry and I kinda forgot about it." She sighs and hugs me, "I'm glad to be yours now."

Wait, do I own a fallen angel now? Like as a pet? What did I just agree to? She realesses me, "I feel better now, thanks, uhm, what was your name?" She asks sheepishly. I can't help but laugh, "I'm Kashi." She leans on me closes her eyes, "Thanks Kashi." We sit for a minute and eventually she falls asleep.

I pick her up and carry her to a spare bedroom, that was already furnished, thanks mystery god who put me here. I lay her on the bed and cover her with a blanket. I'm gonna take a walk, I need some fresh air. Place your bets, who will attack him this time?  Who are you talking to? The most important people here. Kashi? Not even close.

What are they talking about? Course now there quiet, soon as I got a question they zip it. Are you guys there? Hello. While I'm trying to talk with them I bump into someone, "Woah sorry." I look up and see a man in a black suit and tie with a red undershirt, "Not an issue young man." He nods at me and walks past. He also had red eyes and black hair, I use observe on him.

Name: Hellser Blackfire

Race: Terran

Age: Nine billion years, give or take.

Lvl: 125

Title: Archdeacon Blackfire, Black Flame Madman.

Fame: One of the members of the Blackfire sect. Archdeacon of The Old Church.

HP: 300/300

Mana: 500/500



Wow, this due is a Blackfire? Like Dea? And wow is he powerful. I don't think he recognised me, but he is one of the breachers. I should seriously talk to Dea about this. I was walking in the direction of The Dark anyway so I muswell.

I reach the shop and open the door and see Dea behind the counter. I walk up and he gives me a strange look, "Two times in one day, this must be an emergency." He has a small smile at his face, "Do you know a Hellser?"  His face immediately becomes serious, "Yes, he was one of us who created the Blackfire so long ago." He recently looks down at the counter before looking at me, "Blackfire is powerful but dangerous, you must be very cautious, but I think it's time you learn."

Hmm, "Hey Dea, why did you pick me as a successor." He sighs and shuts his eyes tight, "I was being selfish. I have been here for many years, I will likely be here forever and I wanted to make sure what my legacy is passed down, you are the only candidate I could find."

Huh, "I guess that makes since." I look at him again, "When will you teach me?" He sighs, "Not right now, come back on sunday, this will take a while to learn and I would like a full day to start."  Hmm, "Alright, see you then." I walk out and start to head home again, going down that oh so iconic shortcut. As I'm walking down the path I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn around and see... motherfucker, "Hello Kashi." Comes the absolutely infuriating sound of Rias Gremory's voice.

"Hey." I respond, "We have something to talk about." Suddenly I feel nervousness from behind me. I turn and see Kiba, Koneko, and Akeno on the other side of the ally. I should stop taking this shortcut. Rias is standing at the end leading out towards the area with Dea's shop, while the three block my way home. I use observe on the four.

Name: Rias Gremory

Race: Pureblood Devil

Age: 19

Lvl: 25

Title: Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess, Princess Of Destruction.

Fame: Heiress Of The Gremory Household.

HP: 150/150

Mana: 225/225



Name: Akeno Himejima

Race: Devil

Age: 19

Lvl: 22

Title: Priestess Of Thunder

Fame: Queen of Rias Gremory.

HP: 100/100

Mana: 250/250



Name: Koneko Toujou

Race: Devil

Age: 15

Lvl: 17

Title: N/A

Fame: N/A

HP: 250/250

Mana: 50/50



Name: Yuma Kiba

Race: Devil

Age: 17

Lvl: 16

Title: The Princess of Kuoh Academy.

Fame: Subject of desire and envy in Kuoh Academy.

HP: 200/200

Mana: 100/100



The only possible problems in a fight would be Rias and Akeno, individually I could take down any of them, but as a group? Hmmm, if they want a fight this could be a problem. I sigh, "And what would that be?" Rias juts her chest out, "Your connection with the fallen angels." Goddamnit, how, "Oh, whatever do you mean?" Rias growls, "Your housing one of them." I sigh again, starting to understand why Dea does it all the time "She is no longer associated with them, and don't you have some breachers to be researching?"

I can feel Rias's rage building, "I will do as I please, unless you think you can stop us?" She is grinning and her anger is being replaced with confidence and giddy excitement, "You think your strong enough to defy me right?" I snort at her query, "Don't ask dumb questions." She is really annoyed, "Well, let's make a bet then. You can fight me and my peerage and when we win you join us." I laugh, "Okay and if I win, as impossible as that is, you have to stop thinking your better than me, cause your not, in fact, you have to start listening to me."

"Uhg, you think you can order me around, fine, I'll do whatever you want if you win, since your not going to, meet us at the ORC building in a week." I grin, "Sure thing doll." She growls as magic circles appear under her and her friends teleporting them away, she really has to be more careful with her magic.

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