Me: Oh my...the husband raised his hands on his wife?

Qing: I think they both raised their hands on each other.

Me: What's the cause of their fight?

Qing: The one as old as time. Someone cheated.

Me: (snorting) Jerk.

Qing: (smirking) The woman cheated.

Me: You can call a cheating woman a jerk.

Qing: (chuckling) Bullshit. You automatically think its the man who cheated on his wife. Admit it.

Me: (rolling my eyes) Fine. I am prejudice like that. Well, our conservative society didn't prepare me to automatically think of women as cheaters.

Qing: Maybe because compared to men, women are still not prone to sleeping around when they are committed or married.

Me: Exactly. So what then? What happened?

Qing: (sighing) I cannot believe its two AM anf we are gossiping about a married couple who is on the verge of divorce.

Me: (eyes widening) They will divorce?

Qing: (nodding) I think so. That's what the man was shouting about while we were trying to stop them from getting more physical. The man caught his wife cheating and he had enough. To be honest, I don't blame him. Why will he stay with a cheater, he deserves so much better.

Me: (nodding) Hmmm...true.

I stopped nodding when I saw Qing staring intently at me.

Me: What?

Qing: The man will not give his cheating wife a dime of their money. He is suing her and he is taking it all.

Me: And so?

Qing: Just so you know, I'll do the same if you ever cheat on me. I will take everything you have as well. You will go back to Heilongjiang with nothing, I promise you.

Me: (snorting) Yeah, right. Stop lying to me. If I ever cheat on you, there is no chance you will let me go back to Heilongjiang. Heck, there is no chance that you will let me go, period. You already told me before, you will rather see me dead than see me be happy with someone else if I ever cheat on you.

Qing: (blinking) Oh yeah, right. That was my plan. I would rather it be murder-suicide than me letting you go so you can be with that bastard who thinks they can get you from me. Nah, I won't let you be happy with someone else.

Me: (sighing) You are intense.

Qing: That's how much I love you. At least you know, you have been warned.

Me: (rolling my eyes) Whatever. As long as you know what will happen to you if you ever cheat on me.

Qing: You will take everything and everyone from me? You will leave me with nothing?

Me: (nodding) Yes. And I will marry someone else and we will live happily ever after with your money and properties. I might even name my first born after you.

Qing: Shit.

Qing came close to hug me. I leaned heavily on him.

Me: Why do people waste a marriage away? Why do people get married and then cheat on their spouse? Why?

Qing: I don't know as well.

Me: If that is what being married is about, I don't think I want to be married anymore.

Qing: (leaning out to look at my face) That won't be our marriage. Ours will be centered with love, respect, and trust for one another.

Me: (nodding) Yes, please. I want a marriage like that. I just don't get it. Why would you look for someone else to give your time and affection when you already have someone beside you to put your efforts in? Why? Why look for someone else when you have a whole person right in front of you?

Qing: I don't know. People make things complicated, really. They must've had time and energy to do it. I mean, just thinking about all the complicated things you have to do to be able to hide an affair, it gets me tired already. I cannot do that.

Me: (chuckling as I hug him tight) Thank goodness you are lazy like that. Imagine if you are not this lazy.

Qing is lazy when it comes to forming a relationship. He has a good number of people he surrounds himself with but devoting himself fully to intertwining his life with others, Qing thinks that'll take too much effort. Thats why he only has enough patience to do it with one person. That one person is me.

Qing: Lets go back to sleep. We don't need to let other people's messy affairs fucked up our time to rest. Lets go.

I nodded. I cleaned up the kitchen and we went back to bed. The next day, we heard that the wife on unit 4 already left and the unit will soon to be on the market again.

Goddess: I think that unit is cursed. No one seems to get to stay in that place for more than a year.

The Goddess and Candy crossed the hallway to come to our unit for some hot tea, tasty snacks and juicy gossips. The Goddess said she ignored the commotion this early morning because...

Goddess: I am tired. Frankly, since having Candy, I have no more time and energy to devote for other people. She took up most of my time and energy. And I don't regret being a hands on Mom to her.

Me: So no more time for gossips?

Goddess: Are you kidding me? Give it to me. What happened?

So I told her everything. She was amazed as well at what happened.

Goddess: Maybe it was an arranged marriage and she is not happy with her husband.

Me: Then she should have had a divorce before cheating.

The Goddess stared at me. I winced.

Me: Sorry. I forgot for a moment.

I forgot for a moment that the Goddess is part of an affair and Mr.Lim is having a hard time deciding if he will divorce his legal wife.

Goddess: Oh, never mind. An affair will always be frown upon in this society. I already accepted that. Frankly, I don't care if everyone judge me. I entered the affair with my eyes wide open and I had to live with the consequences of my decisions.

Me: Very mature of you.

Goddess: (groaning) Ugh! But I do sometimes feel frustrated with my status. I am human after all.

Me: True as well.

Goddess: Well, I hope those people find their genuine happiness now that their marriage is over.

Me: Not yet over. They will go through a divorce.

Goddess: Holy shit.

Me: Exactly.

Hey, the Goddess and I both know that divorces are not easier than a messy marriage. Especially the one the couple on unit 4 will have to go through. They probably feel animosity for each other. If they won't settle the matter of their divorce in peace, then their divorce will be as chaotic as their marriage.

Me: I sometimes wonder what it feels like to be in the middle of a divorce. Maybe I should get married and then get a divorce as well.

Goddess: (laughing) You should run that idea with your husband to be. Can you have that conversation in front of me? I bet that'll be entertaining.

Me: I doubt it. My husband to be has limited sense of humor. He won't find a discussion about divorce funny at all.

Goddess: I think you are right.

One advantage the couple in unit 4 who are about to be divorce from each other have: they don't have any kid or kids. They are still childless. I think there is something cruel about putting a child in the middle of their parents' divorce. I wish every child of divorcing parents will be spared of the pain watching the marriage of their parents dissolving.

I think I should research more about marriage and also about divorce. I am about to enter the former while I don't want the former to get to the latter. I am curious about divorce but I don't think I will survive it in real life.

Ciao for now.

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