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I'm in a good mood. I'm having a productive week. Like, I am accomplishing everything I need to do and some more.

I feel proud of myself.

And what's more, I found these lovely, lovely collections of tea jars on a shop. They are so lovely that I ordered three sets, with four jars on each set. I sent one set to my mother, the other set to Qing's mother and the last set was mine. I put my favorite tea flavors on them.

Qing: Maybe this is the reason why my mother loves you.

Me: What do you mean?

Qing: Tea. You both had a taste for it. Mama loves her tea. My sister and I sure didn't acquire it. But you do. You like tea.

Me: Because my Mama and GrandMa both like tea as well. I grew up with them having tea and giving me snacks.

Qing: Well, there you go. Your liking of the stuff made you lovable to my mother's eyes. And you both should be thankful to me.

Me: (frowning) Thankful to you for what?

Qing: I'm the reason why you two met. I brought you home to my mother.

Me: (laughing) Oh, so you want an award for being intelligent enough to bring home someone who likes tea to meet your tea loving mother. Is that it?

Qing: (grinning) I just thought the credit was long overdue.

Me: (amazed) The credit is long over— that so? Well then tell me when will you credit this tea loving guy for making your mother love him?

Qing: I give you credit all the time.

Me: Really? Do you? When you almost bite my head off yesterday for not wanting to exercise with you...

Qing: (sighing) You are going back to your habit of being lazy with exercising again.

Me: Qing, even animals who just came out of hibernation need a moment to gather their wits before charging on life in full speed again.

Qing: (thoughtful) Okay, never go through life in full speed, ever. You are the kind of person who thinks too much yet when it comes to actually doing stuffs, you moved in a slower pace. Two, you are not an animal who hibernate.

Me: Humans should hibernate. Maybe the bears and the squirrels are right. We should hibernate like them. To give Mother Nature a chance to recuperate from us foraging all over her for food.

Qing: (shaking) I will not have this conversation with you again. I said it before, I will not go through months just sleeping together on our bed. I need sex.

(Oh my...)

Yeah...we had this conversation before. I said to Qing that humans should hibernate too. You know, months that we will not do anything but sleep. Guess what's your Baba's biggest issue about it. No, not food. He doesn't care about not eating during hibernation months. Not exercising or going on road trips or meeting his friends out for food and drinks.

No. None of that. His issue is sex.

Qing: If all we will do for months is to sleep, no wonder males of any species tackle women or any mate potential to the ground after hibernation. Nope, I won't subscribe to that kind of celibacy.

Me: (rolling my eyes) When have you ever?

Qing: (chuckling) Don't roll your eyes on me. You too won't last for months without sex.

Qing kissed me resoundingly after that conversation. While I was left to wonder if I can do it. Go for months without sex.

Me: I mean, I have done it before. Not just months but years without sex.

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