Xiao Long Bao

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It got a bit cold here in my piece of Earth and so I was in a mood for xiao long bao. That means I corraled your Baba to make them with me because...well...

Qing: (frowning) When will you learn how to make dumpling wrappers so you won't need me to make them for you everytime you want to make xiao long bao?

(Oh no, Dayu ah...you are still struggling with making dumpling wrappers?)

*snorting* Me? Struggling? No. I am not struggling about that anymore. I have totally given up on learning how to make dumpling wrappers.

(Oy vey...)

Yeah, I said it. I have given up. And it was quite easy to do it too. I mean, why will I frustrate myself on trying to learn how to make dumpling wrappers that everyone in who has a cooking show on TV and social media say was easy to do by using just two ingredients: flour and water...when I have Qing who had perfectly done it in just one try and still do it perfectly ever since?

Think about it. I am marrying someone who knows how to make dumpling wrappers from scratch (because it was really a bitch to do but people on videos made it look so easy and to be honest, they lied to you. It was hard to make dumpling wrappers people!) so why should I even subject myself to torture of learning how to make them when I could just marry my way to a lifetime supply of dumpling wrappers?

Qing: Are you even listening to yourself? Its just dumpling wrappers. You can make it. You can make complicated sorbets and cook hard dishes like paella and cordon bleu but you are giving up on making dumpling wrappers that just requires good wrist work? I mean its all about the kneading.

Me: Yes. I have given up on making them myself. And its okay because I have you. My personal dumpling wrapper making machine.

Qing: I...I don't think I like that moniker.

Me: You don't need to like it. You just have to understand that one of the reasons why I am marrying you is because you can make dumpling wrappers from scratch.

Qing: I also don't think I like that.

Me: (waving a hand dismissively) Doesn't matter what you think about it because it is the truth that we both cannot deny. It makes us whole.

Qing: What?

Me: Look. According to our parents, we should marry someone who makes us whole. In my understanding, that means I should marry someone who could do the things that I couldn't do. Since I couldn't make dumpling wrappers from scratch like I want to, I will marry someone who could do it. Hence, you...

Qing: Well, that doesn't make me feel special at all. I mean, there are literally millions of people who could make dumpling wrappers from scratch. Does that mean you could marry million others aside from me?

Me: Is this really the time for you to be jealous?

Qing: (shrugging) I mean, you just slipped the pork broth in the fridge to get it to solidify, so yeah...I think we have time to discuss this. You are the one who is so gungho for open communications. Well, it is open now.

Me: (groaning) Oh, come on! I just want you to slave away in the kitchen and make dumpling wrappers for me. Why are you being like this?

Qing: Because this is so not you. Giving up, who are you and where did you stash my fiancé? Look, did you leave him somewhere with water? Dayu is scared to die from dehydration. And boredom. But mostly from dehydration.

Me: Har har har...okay, I get it. My sassiness has gotten rubbed at you. Bravo for you. But fyi, I gave up on things before. I have given up on a lot of things before.

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