Open Communication Pt1

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Me: (still recovering from the shock of hearing my boyfriend calling me ugly) Wow. You. So much for being the most precious person in your life.

Qing: (grinning) What are you doing? Why are you asking these things?

Me: Open communication. I was actually opening the communication between us.

Qing: Ah. Open communication.

Me: (bitter) Yes. I am actually doing the right thing here!

Qing: (scoffing) Doing the right thing? You should have done the right thing on that meadow.

Oh...the meadow is out again. Damn it!

Me: (defensive) What made you think I didn't do the right thing then?

Qing: Ask yourself. Do you feel good about what you did? How's your conscience? Still feeing guilty?

I turned quiet at that. Qing nodded like he scored a point.

Qing: I thought so. (sighing) You know what, forget about it. Lets talk about this open communication thing. What about it?

Me: (sighing as well) I'm wondering if you find it hard living with me. Seeing me. Do you feel tortured with my presence? Stuff like that.

Qing: (nodding) I understand. And the answer is I don't know.

Me: (confuse again) You don't know? What do you mean you don't know?

Qing: (shrugging) I don't know. I'm not sure. It's not clear for me too. I. Don't. Know.

Oh wonderful, did I ask for a lesson on the synonyms of the phrase "I don't know"? I was not aware.

Me: (suddenly impatient) Well, when will you know?

Qing: I don't know.

Me: Ugh! Stop saying you don't know!

Qing: (smirking) Drives you crazy right? Not knowing what the other is feeling...

He. Is. Killing. Me.

Me: Sure are scoring a point. Happy now? God...why is this so hard?!

Qing: (small grunt) Those are my questions too. This is hard. I don't know if it will be better to be away from you or near you. I will be honest, sometimes I really hate the sight of you. But I also know I will be constantly wondering what you are doing or thinking if we are apart. So yeah, Dayu...maybe you can explain those to me.

Me: Sure. It sounds like you still love me. You still care for me. Deeply.

Qing: Well of course I love you! Fuck! Do you think that will just vanish because you rejected me and left me there on the meadow? No! I love you! I still do! I am still crazy for you!

Why is he shouting at me?!

Well, never mind, I will shout at him as well.

Me: Well me too! I love you too! So much!

Qing: Great! So what are we gonna do now?!

Me: I don't know!

Qing: (glowering at me) That's my answer! You cannot copy me! Find your own answer!

Oh now he is just being petty.

Me: Have you paid for that phrase?! Trademarked it?! No! So I will also use it too! I don't know!

Qing: Fine! I don't know too!

Ugh! We are in ridiculousville again. Silence reigned in our room after that moronic exchanges we had. It persisted until Qing broke it.

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