The Door pt1

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So our bathroom is sporting a new look.

Sans door...

Yes, you read that right. Our bathroom is missing a door. Its doorless. What happened to it? Well, Qing destroyed it. Qing happened to our bathroom door.

(Baba destroyed it? What?!)

Yes, by slamming his body against it and kicking it repeatedly that it fell off its hinges. And let me tell you, our bathroom door, or should I say ex-bathroom door, was quite sturdy but then I guess nothing can stand firmly for long against the onslaught of Qing's sheer determination and brute strength.

My Baba got worried for me again. He discreetly called me after we jokingly shared that story to our family and close friends. Asking if I am sure Qing will have no tendency to be physical when we get into fights.

Baba: I just want to hear some reassurance again, Son. You know I love Qing but he destroyed a door by kicking at it repeatedly. If he raised his hands on you in anger, are you sure you can fight him long enough until help arrives?

Me: It will not happen. Baba...

Baba: I fervently wish for it never to happen. I don't want it to happen ever, Dayu ah. Not to you and Qing. But I am thinking about all the possibilities here, Son. Please...bear with me. Tell me that you will survive a physical altercation with Qing in case a fight between you comes to that.

Me: I will survive it. And more, I will win it, Baba. Because I will leave him broken if he ever beat me up. But Baba, Qing is not like that. We have been together for almost five years now and he has never raised his hands on me in anger. Although there was that one incident...

Baba: Feng Jian Yu!

Me: Kidding! Kidding! Jeez old man, you need to relax.

Baba: Never kid about this. Marital abuse is never a joke, Son. (sighing) Okay, I believe you. I trust you and I trust Qing. But remember to be cautious when you are fighting and both of your emotions are high. Remember that you can do damage to each other. Better to put a distance between you two and cool down separately than escalate those feelings to the point that you will hurt each other physically.

Me: I understand. You should call Qing to talk to him about this fear of yours. Hear the assurance from him. Heck, make him promise never to hurt me. And record him so we will have evidence in our hands...

Baba: (sighing in exasperation) You will never take this seriously, right?

Me: I take this seriously. That's why I suggested that you talk to Qing. Baba, the word of that man is his honor. Believe me, if Qing says he will never hurt me physically...he will never do it. I trust him. I believe in him. We will be fine.

Baba: Okay. I will talk to Qing.

And that's what my Baba did. He called Qing, they had a conversation and things were cleared between them. Do I blame my father for being paranoid for my safety? No. He loves me that's why he worries. Does he have a reason to worry? I think not. Like I said, I trust Qing never to get physically abusive even if he is mad. The man can discipline himself. might have a burning question in your heads. And it might goes something like this...

How the hell did the detroying of the bathroom door incident all started? started with me, being an annoying brat. You see, the day it happened, Qing spent almost the entire day on the phone talking to his business associates I guess? Just standard boring stuffs. And it took him hours to talk on his phone. Hours that he didn't spend putting attention on me so I thought...what, I have to compete now against a phone to get my fiancé attention? No way!

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