Notes and Letters pt3

451 36 4

Qing: What can I do to prove to you that I am still madly in love with you?

Me: (wincing) Oh...that makes me sound like an insecure person who has to test his fiancé just to give himself some self esteem and confidence. That doesn't make me look good. That makes me feel so shallow.

Qing: (frowning) Does that sound like that? I think every couple should have this conversation. I mean, surely, everyone has their moments of doubts about their partners and lovers. Questioning the other person's commitment to their relationship.

Me: (intrigued) Do you have moments like that too? Have you ever asked yourself if I still love you enough?

Qing: (rubbing my back) Sure. Whenever you are being a brat and demanding things, I asked myself if I will ever give you enough to keep you to stay with me. What if I stop trying to please you, will you still marry me? And if you truly love me and sincerely want to marry me. I have moments like that too.

(Oh Baba)

Yes, oh Qing. I'm not used to Qing having doubts about himself. I guess I scare him sometimes.


Fine, lots of times. I'm the jerk in this relationship. Still I'm curious...

Me: How do you resolve that in your head?

Qing: You are here with me. You are wearing my ring. I go back to that time that you rejected me. The therapist I talked to about letting go of that moment that I hate the most: the moment you left me on that meadow on my first proposal...he told me to never forget it instead.

Me: (eyes widening) What? Your therapist said that? Why is he like that? Qing, shouldn't you change therapist? I don't think this one is good.

Qing: (chuckling) Oh, we were done. He has done his job. He is good. He said I should keep that first proposal on my head to remember that you accepting my ring on my second proposal is proof of how much you love me.

Me: I don't get it.

Qing: You have an option to said no, Dayu ah. You always had the option to walk away. Even now, you can take that ring off and pack your things and leave.

Me: (surprised again) Why will I do that? I won't do that!

Qing: Exactly! It's because you love me that's why you stay by my side. I don't know about other people's relationship but us...we always had an option to leave. I can also leave right now. I think you demanding love letters is too much. I can be annoyed about this, end our relationship and leave.

Me: Because I annoyed you about asking for love letters? That's no reason to break up. That's so...shallow.

Qing: (shrugging) Others split up for a more stupid reason than that. I have a friend who broke up with his ex because of a sandwich. A sandwich, Dayu ah. What do you think of that?

Me: (snickering) They are more stupid than us.

Qing: Exactly. (pulling me a little more closer) (smiling) You could leave. I could leave. Easily. This relationship could be dissolve in an instant. If we want to. If we choose that path. But everyday, I see us fighting to be together. Choosing to stay. Why? Because we love each other. We have the option to leave, but we stay.

Me: (finally getting it) Because we love each other.

Qing: (nodding) Exactly. (sighing) If I don't write those sweet notes and love letters, will that break us? Is that a deal breaker for you?

Me: (eyes widening) No! Tsk, I don't really need love letters. It's just...I miss them. I miss receiving them. Maybe I miss the old us. You know...when we were starting our relationship. When it was all new and we were excited. I love those parts of our relationship.

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