Ring Talk Pt1

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For some reason I found myself researching about diamonds on the net. Maybe it's because the little embedded green diamonds on my engagement ring kept on winking at me while I am doing chores or tapping the keyboard on my laptop. Or maybe it's because Qing told me that diamonds are forever just like our relationship and it got me curious about it.

Either way, I am reseaching about diamonds and I found out that colored diamonds are rare but not an impossibility. I know for many of us, when we picture diamonds in our heads, we think about a twinkling and sparkling white, almost clear, precious stone. But in actuality diamonds can be in different colors.

Because of Pink Panther, we learned about the pretty pink diamond. Because of Titanic, the deep blue diamond was introduced to us. White, black and brown diamonds are quite common. Yellow diamond came next in rarity. But the truly rare and expensive ones are red, pink, blue and green diamonds.

When I read that last line on my research, my eyes automatically zeroed on my ring. It sports three tiny sized green diamonds and my mind started to wonder, how expensive is my ring? How much money did Qing cough out to pay for it?

(Oh money...)

Yes, money. Well...you all know me. I am stingy and I like pinching pennies but I am also not averse to splurging especially on things I love...and maybe even on things I just find cute and pretty.

Well, my ring is pretty. It's a simple band made of solid white gold with three green diamonds embedded on it. And according to my research, they are rare and expensive green diamonds.

So of course, if I am curious about the price tag on my ring...I should just go straight to the source. Who better to ask than the person who bought and paid for it?

Wang Qing.

I casually asked him about it while we were cleaning up on the kitchen after dinner. We decided not to use the dishwasher tonight and instead bond as an engaged couple by washing the dishes we used at dinner in the sink.

Me: (while rinsing a plate) How much is my ring?

Qing: (rag on hand stopped drying a glass) (cautiously) Why are you asking?

Me: (shrugging) Curiosity.

Qing: (sighing) I think I told you before that I am not fond of your curiosity about various things. Am I right?

Me: Yes, you told me that and that time I didn't care for you opinion. Guess what, I still don't care about that opinion of yours. My curosity is a vital part of me. It has a life of its own inside me. Indulge us.

Qing: (curious tone) What if I say I don't want to indulge your curiosity?

I stopped rinsing the plate in my hand and stared at Qing in silence.

Qing: (sighing again) Right. It will be bad for me to deny your curiosity.

Me: (nodding) My curiosity about my feelings for you led me into your arms. You should be laying down a red carpet for my curiosity because its part of the reason why we got together and why we are engaged today.

Qing: (chuckling) You are gonna play it like that?

Me: (smiling) Yes.

Qing openly laughed this time. I smiled while going back to rinsing the plates on the sink.

Me: Seriously, how much does my ring cost?

Qing: (humming as he thinks) I don't think it will be healthy for you to hear the exact amount. Let's just estimate, shall we?

Me: (frowning a bit) How will we estimate? By comparing it to a price of another item?

Qing: (putting down the now dry glass) Sure, lets do it that way.

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