Melons and Brats pt1

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Your Baba called me a brat just because I let the apple he bought for me to rot when I specifically asked him to buy me some honeydew melons.

Am I the asshole here?

Probably. me out. I've been watching gardening videos on social media and I happen to see this girl who successfully grew her own honeydew melon plants after two years of trying. She studied hard and won that battle. She videoed and posted the time of her first harvest from her plots and when she cut the honeydew melons, I suddenly had a craving. Especially she had a taste and she said it tasted like honey.

I want honeydew melons.

And because I am lazy, I poked Qing to buy the melons for me. He could have said no, I'll be alright with that. But your Baba said yes, he will buy me the melons. But then he came home, he's guessed it...


Me: (looking over at the the thing he bought) Where's my honeydew melons?

Qing: The supermarket is out of melons. I don't want to go home empty handed so I bought you some apples. You love apples.

Me: Yes. Yes, I do. But I don't want to eat apples. I want melons. Honeydew melons.

Qing: (kissing my cheek) I'll buy you melons next time. I'm tired, Love.

So Qing went to wash and rest before dinner. I was left in the living room with half a dozen apples that I didn't ask for and don't want to eat. And since Qing is not that fond of apples, I know it will be just wasted. So I threw it away.

(You're the asshole. How dare you waste food?!)'re all probably right. But don't forget, your Baba could be a bigger asshole and my stubbornness knows no boundaries. So yes, the situation got worse.

(Jesus H Christ, you two...)

After dinner, Qing saw the apples I threw out, still on it's packaging. He got mad, which is fair. It is wasting food and the world is starving and yes I am an asshole for doing that. But what comes next, Qing forced it to happen.

Qing: (holding the still packaged apples) I bought these for you. At least show some appreciation, Dayu ah!

Me: But I don't want apples! I want honeydew melons! Why did you buy that?

Qing: Because the supermarket was out of melons and I want to see you smile.

Me: Well, how can I smile? I don't want apples. What you should've have done, when you saw that the supermarket was out of melons was to get out of there and buy nothing.

Qing: (closing his eyes in exasperations) You are an ungrateful mannerless brat. Someone did something nice for you and you are still unhappy. You haven't even thanked me yet for buying these apples for you!

Me: That's unfair! I didn't ask for those apples. If you told me that you tried buying melons but there's none to find, I will thank you for your efforts even if you came home empty handed. But no, you bought those apples I didn't want and now you are ordering me to be thankful and grateful and eat those apples even though I don't feel those things! Even though I don't want to eat apples! You eat those apples!

Qing: (taking a menacing step towards me) You should start being grateful for the nice things other people do for you.

Me: People you mean you. (scoffing) I won't be grateful for things I didn't ask for. For things I didn't want to be given to me. Call me whatever but I refuse to be thankful just because someone told me to be thankful.

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