16. Have You Seen A Dolphin Blush?

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The morning birds were chirping, the sun was waking up from its slumber, the chill air being warmed by the rays of sun. Two love birds cuddling with each other. One of them smiling at his sweet dream the other looking at the one in front of him with loving eyes.

Sasuke pov

I know I'm fangirling a lot these days but seriously tho he got em cute cute soft cheeks with three whisker like Marks on each, blond hair that can blind even the sun that is rising, lips that when touched with mine are softer than feather.

Blond lashes fluttered open and azure eyes which can even beat the beauty of oceans looked in my eyes. He smiled with those soft lips. A tint of pink on his cheeks that makes him even cuter.

"mornin" "morning" I replied to his raspy voice. "had a good dream?" I asked. His smile widened. "I had a great dream!".

{time skip brought to you by Ishigami's laptop}

Kakashi pov

Just like every single day I left after kissing iruka on the cheek, seeing him blush, standing half an hour in front of the graves of people who were close to me, aaaaaaaannnnnddd arriving at the bridge..... Late.

And just like every other day, sakura and naruto yelled at me for being late and sasuke spacing out looking at his lovers *ahem* private parts and me giving a new yet creative excuse to them.

"I was helping a dolphin get to his new home" and yes, me and iruka moved in together so this is not a lie.

"LIAR!" sakura and naruto yelled. Sasuke snapped out of his trance and looked at me and smirked. An obvious look to say 'I know what you mean by that' and a few seconds later he had a blush crept on his face probably thinking 'he saw me gazing at naruto'.

Sasuke was being normal. Sakura stopped clinging onto sasuke a few days ago so that's also normal..... But.... This kid who might have drank a thousand red bulls even before he was born is really very happy today.

Naruto's grin is almost blinding the only eye that I keep open, and that's never happened before.

I guess it's because his birthday is coming near.... No... That is the most worst day for him. The entire village hates him more that day so that's not something to be that happy about.

I explained the mission to them and they headed to get their bags since we're gonna be out of the village for a whole day.

{time skip brought to you by miyuki's birthday}

Naruto and sakura were putting up tents while me and sasuke went to get fire wood. The right time to ask what's up with naruto.

"I know you want to ask what's up with naruto" I let him continue. "he found out who his parents are yesterday" at that my eyes widened.

No wonder.... That would be something he'd be thaaat happy about.

"well, I just hope he doesn't boast about it. Since he's the fourth's son, he might be in real danger if other villages know it"

"nah, he knows when not to scream"

And just like that we heard a scream where naruto and sakura were.
"NARUTO!" sasuke yelled.

We ran towards where naruto had screamed, and saw three otogakure ninjas (hidden sound).

"we're here to take the uchiha" one of them said.

Now.....i feel like shikamaru..... Everything is such a drag.

{time skip brought to you by kaguya's twitter account (she's still deciding whether or not to follow miyuki)}

After our mission, me, sasuke and naruto carried the three ninja's to the leaf for interrogation (I tell you, ibiki is the scariest person I've ever seen in my entire life) while sakura.... Well... She was being useless.

After all the reporting and all, I poofed out of there and stood in front of my house.

I knocked on it and my adorable little dolphin opened the door. "tadaima" "okairi!" iruka said in a kawai voice. I swear to god I see flowers, unicorns and rainbows.

I can explain why there are rainbows *ahem* but I really can't explain the unicorns and flowers. Anyway, I walked in, closed the door, removed my mask, and kissed iruka on the lips. He blushed.


And like that we were having dinner and I told him the good news of naruto finding out who his parents were.

"wow! He must be really happy! I bet he is going to ichiraku's today"

Naruto pov
*sneeze* "bless you" sasuke said. I shaked my head and yelled "hey old man! Two miso ramen!".

Kakashi pov

After dinner, we talked things like how he was handling the kids in academy and how there are more kids like naruto this year and other stuff.

Later we went to bed.

Ps: we were cuddling each other.

*welp.... That's it.... Hope you enjoyed the slight kakairu! *

861 words

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