Liebe und Prinzessin - Fischl X Reader (Genshin Impact)

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The english dub voice for the bird sucks tremendous amounts of ass so I imagined he had a british accent when proofreading this oneshot.

P.S.: How do Fischl and the bird know some german words? Do the same languages that exist here also exist in that world? Much to think about.


"...Why does this always happen to me!"

Running from what appeared to be an unavoidable death isn't the best feeling, and carrying your friend who took a much more painful hit from that creature back at the temple in order to protect you wasn't helping. No one was following you, but as your legs grew weaker and the only eye you had left was getting heavier, it felt like that sensation of doom steadily stalked you, waiting until you made the slightest mistake and gave in to it, but you couldn't afford to do that, not until Fischl was safe.

So you kept going. You kept going despite the dripping red liquid that the hole which once used to be your right eye left behind. A crimson, disgusting trail of your own liquid was being marked as you ran. The girl in your arms, Fischl, was in a worse condition that you were, but you could barely see her, so you couldn't really do anything to help her feel better in any way.

Mondstadt. You were close. You could see the shape of the big city of freedom, but then that's when it happened. A Hilichurl appeared out of nowhere and smacked your leg, making you fall along with Fischl.

Y/N: "No... leave us alone..."

Two more came out of hiding, and just as they were ready to end your torturing misery, an arrow pierced through the head of the Hilichurl on the left. Then, two more arrows ended the lives of the remaining Hilichurls swiftly and efficiently before you heard the person responsible approach you.

"Y/N! What happened to you!?"

You took notice of Amber's sweet voice, so you let out a sigh of relief, and right before passing out:

Y/N: "Take care of her... make sure she lives, please..."

Amber: "W-We need some help over here!!"



The comfort of a bed is a nice reward after standing right on the line between living and dying. The voice you heard was just like the one from before, so all you did was say her name.

Y/N: "Amber..."

Amber: "I'm not sure you're in condition to tell me what exactly happened to you, so I'll just thank Barbara and wait for-"

You roughly held onto the Outrider's hand, surprising her as a weird noise escaped her. She tensed up and got closer to hear what you had to say. Despite your pain, Amber was taken aback by how tightly you held her hand.

Amber: "H-Hey..."

Y/N: "...Is she okay?"

Amber: "Fischl will be fine, don't worry. Get some rest, alright?"

Amber kneeled, slowly placing your hand back on your side and, with worry-filled eyes, she waited until you fell asleep.

*Hours later*

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