Not Bad For A Child - Ruby Rose X Reader (RWBY)

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Out of these 30ish oneshots and not a single one about Ruby herself. Man.

Wrote this one really fast I'm not sure why, if there's any typos, let me know >:v


"Bla bla bla Grimm, bla bla bla history......."

Professor Port's class was boring. I knew that as much as everyone else did, and that included Ruby who went from doodling one minute to napping the next. It felt like it lasted days but when we were saved from Port's boring talks by the bell I let out a sigh of relief, knowing I won't hear him talk for two days at the very least since it was Friday, so we had the weekend to ourselves.

Ruby continued to nap on the table, drooling a little. I gently shook her just to wake her up, but she didn't seem to do that. I tickled her and she woke up quickly, jumping off her seat and landing on her feet.

Y/N: "Come on Ruby, we gotta go. Class is over."

Ruby: "I thought it would never end."

Y/N: "You slept through most of it."

We left the classroom, heading back to the dorm and hoping to train some before doing anything else.

We got into our typical deserted area in the forest where no one could bother us or hear us. As much noise as we made, no one could hear us.

But I wouldn't try anything weird—since I constantly felt someone watching me wherever I went for some reason—just training. And I've been doing so for half an hour now with Ruby.

Ruby: "Wait stopstopstopstop!"

Just as I was about to defeat Ruby, she raised her weapon and waved it around like a white flag, giving up and being done with training for the day.

Y/N: "I won again. Not bad for a child."

Ruby: "Aren't you like, only a year older than me?"

Y/N: "You're still the younger one here so..."

Ruby: "Yeah, good point."

I helped her stand up as I put my weapon away, looking at the little cut I had on my hand.

Ruby: "Wowzers, are you okay?"

Y/N: "Oh I'll be fine. I should be asking you that since this is all the damage you inflicted on me. You thinking of something? Are you mad at me?"

That last statement was sarcastic, since so far I had never gotten Ruby to get mad at me for anything, except that one time I hid her secret cookie stash as a prank, but she quickly forgot about it afterwards.

Ruby: "Nononono, I just, I feel like I'm being watched. Don't you get that feeling?"

Y/N: "I always feel like, somebody's watching me..."

Ruby: "And I have no privacy... Wait don't sing now!"

Y/N: "Sorry. But, now that you mention it, yeah. It does feel like we're being watched."

While we continued to walk back to Beacon, a tree in the forest sneezed.

Ruby: "Bless you!"

Tree: "Thank you."

Ruby: "Wait a minute!"

Ruby pulled out Crescent Rose, aiming at the tree's crown and ready to pull the trigger. The leaves shook and a scared blonde came out from hiding.

"It's me, Yang! Don't shoot, I can punch hard!"

Y/N: "Yang? What were you doing up there?"

Yang: "Oh you know, adult stuff. Things adults do... in trees... like, tree-ing..."

Y/N: "You've been watching us, haven't you?"

Yang shook her hands really fast.

Yang: "Me? Pssh, nah, never! Why would I do that when I got adult things to do."

Y/N: "Well, me and Ruby—"

Yang: "It's Ruby and I."

Y/N: "—Ruby and I will be going to the dorms to sleep."

Yang: "Together? Can I watch? I mean, why? Why can't only one of you sleep and the other not?"

Now Yang was just speaking really fast which only allowed to pick up on some things she said.

Y/N: "We're going now..."

Just as Ruby and I were walking away, Yang pulled me aside.

Yang: "Go on sis, he'll catch up. Right, Y/N?"

Her eyes had a slight hint of red when she addressed me, so I had to agree with her because Yang can be scary sometimes.

Y/N: "Y-Yeah..."

She pulled me into some bushes and sighed, looking at me with anger and possibly a hint of jealousy. But there was a lot of anger in her eyes.

Yang: "Y/N... my sister needs someone that can take care of her, protect her and love her. Someone that can give her a shoulder to cry on. Can you do that?"

Y/N: "I... I, yeah, of course, yeah. Don't you get your beautiful hair all stressed, I can take care of Ruby just fine, why do you ask?"

Yang: "You spend a lot of your time with her. It's kinda obvious."

I stood up, but Yang pulled me back down.

Yang: "Please, don't hurt her."

Y/N: "I won't. Now, I will very slowly walk away and go to the dorm, and don't follow me."

Yang nodded, so I ran back to Beacon, looking back every now and then to see if Yang was following me, but this time I didn't feel her watching me, so when I reached the dorm, I felt more calm as I knocked on the door.

No one opened it, so I gently opened it to see Ruby sleeping on her bed. No one seemed to be around, so I did what I usually do, which was rest on Weiss' bed. She hasn't caught me yet and I hope it stays that way.

Y/N: "So, Ruby."

Ruby was still sleeping, but I still talked, mostly to myself.

Y/N: "I talked to Yang, she told me to take care of you. It was funny because she thinks I'm in love with you or something like that. I might be but she didn't need to follow us, you know?"

Still no response.

Y/N: "But I just wanted you to know that I'll always be here for you and, hey, who knows? Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to tell you how I feel."

I closed my eyes, getting ready to fall asleep.

Y/N: "But today is not that day."


You fell asleep rather quickly, but Ruby wasn't. She had heard everything you said, and was holding her pillow rolling around her bed.

Ruby: "I... I love you too..."

The door of the room opened, Weiss entered and looked at her bed which was taken by you. Ruby saw her enter and begged her to stay quiet. Weiss and Ruby were whispering.

Weiss: "What is he doing on my bed?"

Ruby: "Let him sleep!"

Weiss: "He'll see what true pain is."

Ruby: "When he wakes up!"

Weiss: "I'll wake him up alright."


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