Childish Love - Fuuka Akitsuki X Reader (Fuuka!) (Req)

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I'm not even gonna lie, I would fuuka the Fuuka 😳

P.S.: Actually tho, this anime is okay from what I've seen, I just wish the animation was better cuz most of the time it felt like I was watching hentai LMAO


The clock reads 1:47 am.

There were a lot of crumpled papers in a paper bin, then there were two friends sitting together at a desk, still trying to come up with ideas for a new song.

Fuuka: "It's about coming together, right?"

Y/N: "I know."

Fuuka: "Then why can't we think of anything?!"

Y/N: "I don't know."

Fuuka: "Come on, help me out here!"

Y/N: "Don't look at me, I just play the guitar."

Fuuka leaned in closer, staring deeply into your eyes. You were a tough nut to crack, but Fuuka happened to be the one person that could do just that.

You sigh.

Y/N: "Okay, after letting you stay at my place and get into my very private bedroom, and I don't let many people get in here, I don't think I should help you with your song."

Fuuka: "Just give me some inspiration! Give me anything, my head is starting to hurt just looking at this piece of paper!"

A smile formed on your face since Fuuka was still looking at you strange.

Y/N: "Alright, just tell me what you need."

Fuuka's hand grab your shoulders and she grins.

Fuuka: "Great! Now, hit me!"

She stretches her arms outwards while keeping her iconic energetic expression of happiness.

Y/N: "Im not hitting you."

Fuuka: "With your best idea!"

Y/N: "Oh. In that case... try writing something romantic, but keep the intensity our songs have. A strong and loud message about something wholesome."

Fuuka: "That's... not too bad."

Y/N: "You asked me for my help."

Fuuka: "I know but, how do I write about something 'romantic' if I haven't experienced anything romantic like, ever!"

Y/N: "Just sing about someone you want to have something romantic with, if that makes any sense."

Fuuka grabs the pencil sitting on the small desk, lightly hitting her head with it and trying to work with your idea in her head.

Fuuka: "You're right! I got something..."

Fuuka turns to what seemed like the hundredth piece of paper used today and started writing on it. It took some time, but when she was done writing what she had in mind, she grabs the paper and shows it to you proudly.

Fuuka: "What do you think?"

When you looked at the piece of paper she held, you could only see one line

"When will I get to see you again?"

Fuuka: "I want to write a story within the song!"

Y/N: "Right... you got something in mind?"

Fuuka: "I'm positive I can finish it tonight."

Y/N: "Good luck."

You grabbed your soda can and took a sip.

Fuuka: "Can I get some of that?"

Y/N: "Wouldn't that be an indirect kiss?"

The clock reads 2:14 am.

Her cheeks now a dark shade of red, Fuuka puts the pencil in between her mouth and nose, using it as a mustache.

Fuuka: "J-Just give me some."

Y/N: "Okie dokie."

You place the can on the desk, and Fuuka looks at it for a couple of seconds, then she looks up at you. Trying not to think too much about it, she grabs the can and drinks the entire thing, slamming it back down on the desk.

Fuuka: "There!"

She goes back to writing the song, this time getting some more inspiration out of who knows where and writing at a much faster speed. Since she was going a bit too fast, the lead broke, but she just clicked the button on the end to feed more lead out, then she kept writing all of her thoughts and feelings on that single piece of paper.

Y/N: "You seem fired up."

Fuuka: "Wait!"

Using her free hand, Fuuka covered your mouth so you raised your hands defensively, trying to come up with something to do while Fuuka wrote the lyrics to what looked like her next masterpiece. You looked at your guitar sitting in the corner of the room, so setting her hand back down, you stood up to grab it. You sat back down and your fingers got in position.

Fuuka: "And... I'm done."

The clock reads 2:57 am.

Fuuka drops the mechanical pencil, letting out a sigh of relief before she looks at you with a sudden smug smile.

Fuuka: "You ready?"

Y/N: "I was born ready."

Fuuka: "So it goes like this..."

A lot more time passed. Fuuka gave you ideas as to how the song would start and build up from there.

The clock reads 3:43 am.

When you finally got the new song recorded in your phone, Fuuka quickly fell asleep on the desk. You set your guitar back in its corner, gently carrying your friend to place her down on your bed. Tonight was a productive night, and the tired Fuuka lying on your bed proved that.

Looking at her helped you think of a name for the song.

Y/N: "Mmmm... Childish Love... that doesn't sound too bad..."

Sitting on the floor and resting your head on the bed, you fell asleep while Fuuka mumbles in her sleep, dreaming about a certain someone...


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