[ twenty three ]

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you stayed home, as per yoongi's request.

although it felt a lot like being quarantined for twenty four hours, you surely did not mind it at all. besides, when else could you spend the whole day lazing in bed with the only exercise you get being walking to the kitchen and back to your bedroom?

you constantly refreshed your twitter feed to make sure you were up to date with the most recent events surrounding your boyfriend and his photoshoot gig.

he looked absolutely adorable in the pictures his fans took of him at the airport. owing to the unfitting measurements of the hoodie you bought him, he was drowning in the thick material, much like how you were too in a matching hoodie.

you gave yourself a pat on the back, praising yourself for being smart enough to purchase a pair of hoodies that would definitely keep the two of you warm as the seasons fade from autumn to winter.

a particular notification from instagram enticed you. yoongi at the airport live, it said and you immediately logged into the app just to have a glimpse of yoongi in real time.

the user was a yoongi fan account with a large following. their camerawork was shaky, but for a fan who was probably exhilarated about spotting their idol in public, everyone understood.

yoongi took up only a tiny fraction of the screen because the fan didn't want to invade his privacy. you were even more impressed by how they only really showed yoongi after he made eye contact with them and smiled as if to say he was okay with being filmed.

as the live garnered more views, the quality of the video grew worse. yoongi's whole being eventually looked like a couple of pixels pinned together.

you snorted when you glanced over a comment that said, "never thought i'd see yoongi as a roblox character."

people were joyously commenting and reacting but the fun soon ended when yoongi walked up to the camera and announced, "you don't have to keep your fourth fingers empty anymore."

yoongi was straightforward. he loved when matters were addressed promptly and smoothly.

so while his abrupt announcement was not at all a surprise. the content and nature of his words spoke to you on a whole different plane.

you scrambled off your bed, almost falling face-first on the floor. the comment section was blowing up with fans dying to understand what pushed yoongi to speak his mind and what it meant.

to you, yoongi was discreetly announcing that he was already committed. however, the fans were left with a variety of possibilities, including the possibility that yoongi was outwardly flirting with the fan holding the live.

"yoongi, you bitch," you cursed, throwing your head back, "this isn't what we agreed on."

a/n ;

hello sorry for the lack of updates :(

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