[ eleven ]

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"i'm flying to new york tomorrow," yoongi spoke as you fiddled with his hair on the couch of his studio.

you paused and looked down at him, "tomorrow? and you're only telling me now?" you hated when people kept things from you. it made you feel like you weren't trusted enough or you weren't important enough to know.

"i swear i only found out about this just now," he quickly added and you nodded with pursed lips.

"i'll be back in three days," he joyfully grinned, "and then i'll have two off days so we could do whatever we like. do you wanna visit daegu? explore nami island?"

you gasped, hands shielding your agape mouth. "daegu?" you raised with hope, "really?"

visiting daegu with yoongi meant a lot to you. it meant he trusted you enough; loved you enough to want to show you the city he was born and raised in — the city where most of his childhood memories sprouted from. just the thought of him bringing you around daegu had you feeling all warm and choked up.

"anything for you, y/n," yoongi cooed sweetly as you squealed and pushed him aside out of reflex.

"then... can we at least hang out at your place before you fly off tomorrow?" you slowly asked, feet anxiously shuffling in their fixed positions.

yoongi took awhile to answer, probably wondering if the dorm was clean and presentable enough for you to enter. "mhm," he hummed after a few seconds and stuck his hand out for you to grab, "let's go?"

the entire journey to bangtan's dorm at hannam the hill was awfully silent. however, the silence wasn't uncomfortable. instead, it was nice; comforting even. as yoongi drove, he held onto your hands with his free one. as yoongi walked, he tightly linked arms with you. talking wasn't needed and yet, you still felt all the love radiating off of him.

half the group were home, considering they were all packing and getting ready for their flight to new york. they were busy blabbering about random stuff, not noticing that you had stepped in until you said something.

"i don't know, guys," you nodded, "being called to fly over to new york to perform at an event where you'll only receive hate and discrimination from locals kinda sucks."

jin screams, "geezus, y/n! when- how- what-"

"fuck! this is hilarious. you should've seen your faces, i swear," you cackled, lurching forward to laugh your heart out. once you calmed down, you explained your presence at their homely abode, "i came to help yoongi pack and spend the rest of the day here with him."

"alright," namjoon sighed as he got up from his uncomfortable squatting position on the floor, "but remember-"

"no fucking?" you cut him off. namjoon stares at you with his mouth wide open and eyes completely soulless. "i'm joking!" you raised your arms and backed up with a shit-eating grin on your face, "we haven't got that far yet."

"but remember," namjoon repeated, deadly serious this time, "don't leave behind any evidences of you being here. if the managers find out, bang pd's never allowing you to see our yoongi ever again."

a/n ;

if you're reading this and you're still a baby i'm so sorry i'm not sure what's happening to me am i getting old is that why i'm so much more open to dirty stuff now hhh

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