[ eighteen ]

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yoongi blinked, holding the paper bag in his unknowing hands, "...what's this?"

"look inside, dummy," you rolled your eyes, "if i tell you, it won't be a surprise anymore, duh."

he peeked into the bag, eyes widening at the multiple pairs of new boxers. "what the fuck, y/n? you bought these?"

you had a lopsided grin on your face, your expression a mix of curiosity as to what he was thinking and leftover excitement from before he looked at your gifts for him. he looked up at you, eyes and mouth wide open. you would squish his cheeks if this was any other occasion but at this moment, you were insecure about your surprise.

"thank you," yoongi choked out with teary eyes.

what, you paused.

"i really needed boxers," he finally sobbed, throwing himself onto you.

you reluctantly patted him on the back, combing through his hair with your other hand. "you went commando on the flight to new york, which was kinda hot by the way, and you lost a few pairs so i thought it was only right to get you what you need," you squeaked out, knowing all too well that you were the main cause of his sufferings.

"thank you," he cutely kissed your whole face, "imma go try them out now, okay?"

he dashed to the toilet while you wait by the living room. you were alone with only the sound radiating off the television accompanying you. you took a deep breath. how were you going to break it to him? you can't possibly live your entire life keeping such a huge, scandalous secret to yourself.

"you know," yoongi softly yells from the toilet, "i can't stop wondering who has my boxers and why they want them, like don't you find that weird too?"

you awkwardly laughed, "yeah, weird."

"do you think it's a sasaeng?" he shrieked, "i doubt any of my members would steal my boxers without telling me beforehand."

"we should change our passcodes," he told himself but you overheard, "can't risk anymore crazy people breaking into our place, stealing our most precious stuff and leaving no trace at all."

you gulped, wanting to die right there and then.

"ah, i shouldn't have brought it up," yoongi scolded himself, then made a grand entrance in one of the new pairs of boxers. he smoothed his hands over the curve of his ass, admiring the way the material kept everything in place, "you are amazing, love! everything you got is perfectly in my size!"

i'm burying the stolen boxers with me, you internally planned your funeral.

yoongi quickly changed back and plopped himself onto the couch, next to you. he stated you in the eye, a tiny smile prominent on his face.

is this it? you asked yourself, am i going to die now?

"let's go to nami island tomorrow," he blurted, tightly grasping your hands in his own.

you heaved a sigh of relief when you realised he still had yet to find out about his missing boxers, then dramatically gasped upon hearing his words, slapping a hand over your mouth in shock.

"yup," yoongi laughed, "i rented out a portion of the island so it'll be blocked off and only open to us a few hours."

you took a deep breath, "yoonie... i love you."

he giggled in response, "i love you too."

a/n ;

user Min_Areiya requested it so
double update leggooo

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