[ twenty ]

613 21 4

you watched as couples walked by your lonely self. seeing their fingers intertwined with each other's had you gagging inwardly.

sure, you had a boyfriend — one that was sought after by millions of people across the globe.

but you never had the chance to openly show him affection in front of the public eye, so watching other lovebirds do so irked you to the core.

you sat in a cafe with your favourite drink in hand and your laptop splayed across the small, round table top. you were filming a highly requested vlog to show your subscribers what you usually do on the daily.

today's routine consisted of groggily getting ready to go to a cafe in comfortable clothes, ordering a glass of the most refreshing drink you've ever had and editing your youtube videos which are long overdue.

the vlog was going to be a silent one — a great contrast to your normally lively videos. it would just be you, the muffled background noise and occasionally, the sound of you sipping on your drink and typing away on your laptop.

as you edited your cover of iu's 'eight', you thought of how nice it would be if you included captions in the vlog as well, so your viewers knew what was going on behind the camera. more specifically, why you were leering over it.

just then, your phone buzzed, sending almost unnoticeable vibrations across the tiny table. you flipped your phone around to see a message notification from yoongi. instantly, your smile grew wider.

hey :3

hi <3

can we meet tonight?
i'm leaving for tokyo tomorrow
and i wanna see you before i go

anything for youuu
all of a sudden??

yeah :(
our manager signed a last minute deal

what about

ah just some photoshoot

all seven of you?

just me

aw :(
i'm here for you
if you get too lonely

you always are
that's why i love you


"eomma," you mouth towards the camera, to convince your viewers that the person texting you was no other than your loving mother.

as you were about to switch your phone off, you caught a glimpse of a twitter notification on a yoongi update. it said yoongi was going to be on the cover of 'seventeen', a popular japanese magazine, with... a female model..?

yoongi didn't mention that.

you frowned, rubbing your nape in disbelief.

well, maybe yoongi wants to tell me in person later, you tell yourself.

but as much as you try to conjure up excuses and possible scenarios as to why he simply omitted that crucial piece of information, you couldn't get the matter out of your head.

you looked up at the couple behind the camera.

and in a split second, you felt sick.

you lunged forward to turn the camera off, stuffed it into its customised holder, packed up the rest of your stuff and without further ado, you made your way over to bangtan's dorm with a heart filled with insecurity.

a/n ;

yo idk what this is
but yes 🤪

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