Chapter 2

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Dedicated to @ChrystalMichelleTurn for her constant support on ILWMW and now this. Thank you! <3

Hi everyone, here's chapter 2! So chapter 1 hasn't had many reads but I'm hoping that maybe this'll pick up as it goes on. For those that have supported it though, thank you! It's because of you that I've decided to post the next chapter. Enjoy! <3


The next morning my alarm sounds at 4am and I swear it sounds like a foghorn. I think we only managed an hour, 2 hours maximum, of sleep. I turn over to switch the alarm off, switch the light on, punch Nancy’s arm and pull myself out of bed before I can fall back to sleep again. Yes there’s still 2 hours until the taxi arrives but I haven’t even packed yet. Yes I’m that disorganised.

Nancy groans and covers her head with a pillow.

“Get up.” I demand snatching the pillow away and hitting her with it.

She sits up and shields her eyes from the light. “Remind me again why we stayed up so late?”

“Because we’re idiots.”

She grunts and flops back down on the bed.

“You go shower first.” I say. “That way I can pack.”

“I don’t want to get out of bed.”

Grabbing the glass of water from my bedside cupboard I aim it above her and let the tiniest bit dribble onto her face. She screams, wipes it away and jumps out of bed all in a matter of seconds..

“You cow, Emily!”

I giggle. “It got you out of bed.”

Grunting again she disappears into the bathroom. I pull my suitcase from the top of my wardrobe and start throwing clothes in. Half an hour later I feel satisfied that I’ve got everything I need and start to zip up my case.

Nancy reappears in my room and asks, “Why are you packing everything in a case?”

“Why not?”

“We’re going to be touring, Em. Are you really going to want to lug a suitcase around with you all the time?”

I stop zipping up my case and glare at her. “You only tell me this now?”

“I thought it was common logic.”

“Not at four thirty in the morning. What should I use then?”

“A backpack? What about the one from school?”

Gesturing to my suitcase I say, “Do you really think I can fit all of that in my backpack? I don’t think so.”

“Well do you have a hiking backpack?”

“No -”

Trailing off my mind wanders to Simon. He did a lot of hiking a few years ago and I remember he had one of those backpacks.

“Simon might.” I quickly continue. “I’ll go sneak into his room.”

Creeping down the stairs and to his room, I open the door a crack and peek inside. The last thing I want is to walk in on him and Dani doing anything... intimate. I don’t think I can handle that sort of thing at this time of the morning. When I’m certain I’ve got the all clear I quietly creep in. Yes it is very unlikely even they would be doing anything like that at this ungodly hour, but anything was possible.

I go straight to his wardrobe and feel across the top for anything resembling a backpack. My hand hits something which then lands on the floor with a loud crash. Crap! I hold my breath and wait for any movement but nothing happens. Dammit I just wish it wasn’t so dark! Slowly I creep along the length of the wardrobe again and continue to feel along the top. Suddenly my hand comes in contact with what feels like a backpack so I yank it down in one swift motion. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to me, there are other things on top of it. As soon as I remove the offending bag, there is a sudden downpour of items. Who on earth has so much junk on top of their wardrobe? Oh yeah, of course Simon has.

Book Two - Just Enjoying My Life.... Right? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now