Chapter 17

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Hi guys, here's chapter 17 for your enjoyment. I introduce a minor character in her called Benoît. In case you're wondering, his name is prounced BEN-WA. Anyway,I hope you like long chapters because this one is a  doozy. I had so much I wanted to write and I couldn't  spread it over separate chapters. I wanted to get it out in one. Anyway enjoy!


It’s so much colder in Zurich than in Madrid which I’m not happy about. I’m dressed in every single layer I own but I’m still shivering.

The flight from Madrid to Zurich was short so I don’t have jetlag this time but I do still feel quite drained after four days of doing nothing but crying and signing my name like a lunatic. I’m not going to fall into that slumber again, I am going to enjoy my holiday from now on, Sam or no Sam.

Although on saying that, we ended up sitting together on the plane. It was a complete fluke but the most uncomfortable flight ever. We didn’t talk at all. It was awkward to say the least but I couldn’t do much about it. Sam made it quite clear he didn’t want to talk to me and I accept that. I don’t blame him for feeling that way. I guess it also didn’t help that Graham was sitting behind us.

Despite Sam not talking to me, being in his company has made me feel better. I know one day we’ll talk but right now is not the time. I’m going to let Sam instigate it when he’s ready.

It’s nice having Jason with us on the tour. He’s become an instant part of our group and even he and Sam have become mates. I don’t know how he manages it, he just does. I feel guilty for how I reacted the other night toward him and Nancy but they both seem to have forgotten it so I guess I need to also.

I realise now that I overreacted and they were just trying to help but that night I just didn’t want to talk about it. Things were still so raw. Yes it’s taken me four days locked up in my room to realise this but at least I have now. I will let Jason explain his reasoning one day but not just yet. I want to make up for lost time first.

We’ve just entered the airport and have picked up our luggage. We then make our way over to our tour guide. He introduces himself as Benoît and he is the total opposite to Archi. Thank god. Although I don’t think it’s such a good thing, I’m starting to wish we had someone better looking. This dude is seriously creeping me out. He has brown eyes, one of which is lazy and from where he is standing, it looks as though he’s staring at me. I shift uncomfortably and move away from his gaze.

He is an overweight guy dressed in what were once black trousers but are so faded they looked grey. He’s also wearing black ratty shoes with holes in them and the company polo top. Seriously, he really looks a shambles. What makes him look worse is the fact that the top is too small for him and we all get a not so charming view of his tummy hanging over his trousers. I feel sick just looking at him. I think his hair is blonde but I can’t tell by how oily it is. He also has rotting teeth and really bad body odour. We’re standing a few feet away but we might as well have our noses in his armpits.

I have no idea how he got his job I’m suddenly glad we’re only going to be here for three days. He’s not much of a talker either. Once he introduces himself he doesn’t say much else. He just gestures for us to follow and takes us out to the bus. Once we all board, he stands up the front while Jason drives to the hotel.

Benoît points out the sights and he becomes so animated his arms flail about everywhere. I watch Jason’s face turn green from the stench of Benoît’s body odour. It’s bad enough for us and we’re a fair distance but with Benoît so close to Jason it must be ten times worse.

A few moments later Jason stops the bus out the front the hotel. Benoît is the first to get off the bus and ducks into the hotel to check in. We all run off as quickly as possible, gasping for air. I really hope there aren’t many bus tours for the next three days, I don’t think I can handle the stench. Looking at everyone else, I know they feel the same.

Book Two - Just Enjoying My Life.... Right? (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin