Chapter 21

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Here's the next update. It's been a made week so I apologise for the delay. I hope this makes up for it.


After two amazing days in Venice, the day has arrived when we have to leave. It has passed way too quickly though and I really don’t want to go. It’s been so nice spending it with Sam without any doubts or worries in my mind.

We’ve spent the whole time together and have enjoyed lots of traditional Italian food, wine and stunning scenery. Well when I say Italian food, I’m ashamed to admit it’s been primarily pizza and pasta, my two most favourite foods in the world. While I’m in my element, I fear I will have gained a few kilos by the time I get home.

Venice quickly became my favourite place and I would love to live here. Sadly we must leave and that will be this afternoon when we bus it to Tuscany.

It’s early morning and I really should be packing but I’m too excited. Sam has promised me one more surprise before we leave and I’m just about to jump out of my skin from excitement. He hasn’t told me anything so I’m trying to guess what it could be. What could it be?

A picnic?

No, it’s too early in the morning. Besides where would we have it? We’re totally surrounded by water.

Maybe it will be some sort of diving experience in the canals?

Ha! Perhaps not, especially not when it’s this cold! I turn to look out the window and realise the sun is shining today. I’m sure it’s still freezing though. Do they even have diving experiences in the canals? I highly doubt it.

So what else could it be?

Suddenly a thought hits me, one that makes me go weak at the knees and my heart flutter. It’s a thought that has been trying to enter my thoughts all morning, one that I have constantly pushed aside.

Maybe he’s actually going to propose properly!

As soon as I let the thought come into my mind, I gasp and start shaking my head maniacally. No! Bad thoughts, Emily!

But the thoughts aren’t going anywhere. Now that I’ve thought them, they run round and round in my head. And the stupid thing is, the thought no longer scares me. In fact, I want it! Seriously I have major issues.

First I freak out when he proposes and now I want him too? What the hell is wrong with me? Should I see a professional?

Oh god, I think I know what it is and it will certainly require a trip to a professional.

I have a split personality!

This is me as Emily and my other personality is Barbara. Barbara must be a real bitch because she’s made my life a living hell these last few weeks. She doesn’t want to get married but I do. What a selfish bitch she is! So here I am hoping that Sam will propose but Barbara is in the way.

I turn back from the window and stare at my reflection in the mirror. I don’t look any different.

Or do I?

Hold on a minute, my hair looks different. Oh that’s ok, it’s just longer. It’s past my shoulders now but I have lots of split ends.

And what’s with my face? Is that maturity? Wow it suits me! I somehow don’t look so plain anymore. Maybe that’s a result of growing up? We’re all gawky as teenagers, in a sense. I feel quite pretty right now.

Taking a deep breath, I look away from the mirror and try to put things into perspective. Right I’ve determined that I’m Emily and these are my thoughts. Fine, all well and good so far.

Book Two - Just Enjoying My Life.... Right? (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora