Chapter 22

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Sorry for the delay in updating, it's been another busy week and weekend. I said in my last chapter I had a surprise. Well here it is. Enjoy!


I can’t believe I’m doing this. I seriously can’t believe I’m doing this! Looking across at Sam he grins at me, excitement evident on his face. Am I the only one freaking out about this? Nancy will most likely murder me, with Jason’s help of course. Mum and Dad will have a flying fit when they hear about it and Simon... oh god I can’t think about Simon.

The sound of a door slamming shut makes me jump. Looking behind me I see him, the person who’s going to make this happen.

Let me explain what’s going on.

I’ll start back at Tuscany. We were all so exhausted from travelling we decided that our stay in the villa would be for relaxation purposes only. If anyone wanted to go sightseeing, they were to organise it and do it themselves. It meant Jason could have a break from driving, and give him plenty of time to spend with Nancy and it also gave Lorenzo some time off. This proved to be in his favour as he had family close by.

The only time we did something as a group was on our first night there. Wanting to celebrate Laurence and Dorothy’s engagement, we turned dinner into a big party. While we all enjoyed a few drinks, very few got drunk. Yes that included me. I’ve decided to go back to not being a big drinker. I did drink, I’m not that much of a party pooper, I just didn’t overdrink. Marilyn and Merilyn were the only ones who got drunk and they were the last people I expected to do so. However, they did provide excellent entertainment value.

It was probably the funniest night we had had in each other’s company and we all had fun.

So anyway, apart from that we spent the next three days in our own private villa with everything provided, all doing our own thing. It was bliss.

Sam and I finally had a room to share which meant we didn’t go outdoors much. I don’t need to elaborate why, I’m sure. When we did go out it was usually to go for a walk among the grapevines and explore the area. I’m certain Nancy and Jason did the same thing but I can’t be certain. We didn’t see either of them for the whole three days we were there. And everyone else, well who knows what they got up to. All I know is that by the time we left, everyone was relaxed and eager to get to Rome to do some proper travelling again.

Three days of relaxing did wonders for everyone.

Strangely enough, the break even made Graham a little more tolerable. When we saw him on our way to Rome, he even smiled at me. Not a forced, ‘I have to be civil’ smile, it was a genuine ‘let’s try to get on’ smile. It gave me the slightest bit of hope that perhaps in time, this silliness will end. Only time will tell I suppose. But he hasn’t been such a grump and while he and Sam still aren’t talking, the tension isn’t there anymore. I don’t think they’ll ever see eye to eye but I think they’ll get on a bit better at some point.

Then we arrived in Rome. It was a shock to be back in the hustle and bustle of a busy place after three days in the country, but it was nice. Rome is a beautiful city and a nice way to end off the major part of our holiday.

After arriving we checked in at our accommodation, had lunch then went out for a tour of the sights. Lorenzo joined us again and educated us in Lorenzo style.

That’s when things started happening. Sam and I decided to skip dinner at the hotel and have dinner in Rome. Earlier that day when we had some free time to wander the streets, we were walking down a hidden away alleyway when we stumbled across this tiny pizzeria. It’s always the tiny hidden away places that turn out to be gems so we headed back there for dinner. As it turns out, the pizza was divine, the best I had ever eaten.

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