A final note from me and updates on the progress of the series

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Well, yet again, another story has been completed. This completes book two in 'The Price of Love' series.

As always, there are many people I need to thank. Since I can't name everyone, I'm going to be a cheat and say: thank you to EVERYONE who has supported me with this story. There are certain people who were a huge support, you know who you are and I hope you all know how much your support has meant to me.

It hasn't been as popular In Love With Mr Wilson, but isn't that always the case with sequels? Still, I feel it's had many more reads than I expected. It's over 15,000 now, which is HUGE so thank you.

I always feel sad when a story comes to an end. After spending so long writing it, it feels wrong to stop. But all stories come to an end and this one has.

However, there has been a request for a third book and guess what? Book three has started! The prologue is available to read at the following link:


Updates will commence mid to late January 2014! Please show your support of the final book of this series by voting and commenting. Make this final story go out with a bang. If you enjoyed the first book and this one, make this your next one.

Please continue to support all three books and if you enjoyed them all, please vote, comment and promote to your friends and family. I would appreciate it a lot.

So thanks again everyone, you're wonderful! Love you all! <3

If you're interested in a different read, go check out Always the Bride. It's my new, unusual, totally out there Chick Lit story. Just follow the below link:


Book Two - Just Enjoying My Life.... Right? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now