Chapter 3

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Hello again! Here's chapter 3. I hope you enjoy the escapades of the flight. :D


We arrive at the airport and check in but the whole time I’m in a daze. I have no idea what I’m doing and just follow what Nancy and Sam are doing. It doesn’t help that I’m suddenly overcome with extreme tiredness and can barely keep my eyes open. Whose idea was it to recite The Princess Bride? I’ll just blame Nancy. I’m too tired to take the blame right now.

There’s just under an hour until boarding by the time we reach our gate so we grab a coffee then sit down and wait. Coffee is supposed to wake me up but I swear this one is making me even sleepier. Bad coffee! Once I finish I place my head on Sam’s shoulder and close my eyes for a few minutes. Seriously, I can’t believe how tired I am.

I’m suddenly jerked awake by an announcement indicating it’s boarding time for our flight. Sam is looking at me in amusement.

“What’s that look for?” I demand as I stand up.

Sam smiles and kisses my cheek. “No reason. I was just wondering what made you so tired.”

Nancy giggles and I smile wryly. “You don’t want to know.”

He looks from Nancy to me then nods. “You’re right, I don’t want to know. C’mon let’s board.”

I don’t know much about flying or boarding planes but what I do know is it’s unusual to be the first to board. No one else is moving apart from us. Geez I’m that tired I can’t even make sense of the most logical things! Our tickets are scanned and I follow Sam and Nancy on board. My nerves have suddenly disappeared also and all I can think about is getting to my seat and falling asleep. We enter the plane and the air hostess greets us warmly and directs us to our seats. Sam and Nancy are gawking around them but I don’t take notice of anything.

Spotting my seat, I place my gear in the overhead locker then sit down and click my seatbelt into place. I instantly fall asleep.

When I finally wake up I have no concept of where I am or what time it is. All I know is that I feel like I’ve had the best sleep ever! As I look around me I notice I’m still on the plane. For some reason I expect to be able to feel as though I’m up in the air but I don’t. I just feel like I’m in a normal room. The only thing that tells me I’m a few thousand feet up in the sky is the sound of the plane engines and the fact that my head feels slightly woolly. Then again, that’s probably general grogginess from waking up.

Taking in the cabin I notice I’m in a cocoon like chair. It’s surprisingly comfortable and I have tons of leg room. In front of me is quite a large TV screen and a remote control is clipped into a section next to the screen. Noticing a button on the arm of my chair I push it and the entire seat falls back with me in it and suddenly I’m lying down. Whoa! That was unexpected. I didn’t think chairs went all the way back? Either way I’m not complaining one bit, it’s actually very comfortable. I press the button again and sit upright again. Undoing my seatbelt I peek out of the cocoon and notice how spaced out all the seats are. Sam is a few feet away from me on one side and Nancy is the same distance away on the other side.

What’s happened to being squashed like sardines? I’ve heard a lot of horror stories about how uncomfortable it is to fly because of the limited space. I’m yet to complain though! Deciding to get up and stretch I notice that both Sam and Nancy are also sleeping. There are about a dozen other cocoons in the cabin all lined up in rows of three but they’re not all taken. In fact, apart from us 3 I can only see maybe 4 or 5 other people. My movement has caught the attention of an air hostess. She approaches me and smiles politely.

Book Two - Just Enjoying My Life.... Right? (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant